The Croassroads of Destiny

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The next day, a carriage stood in front of the shop. In fancy clothes, we got in and were brought to the palace. Arriving there, we climbed out and walked towards it. Zuko and I had our arms around each other and Dad was holding the bow with the tea set.

"Many times I imagined myself her. At the threshold of the palace. But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror. Instead, we are the Earth King's personal guests. Here to serve him tea. Destiny is a funny thing.", Dad told.
"It sure is, Dad.", I agreed.

We were lead to a room with a throne. Dad was pouring the tea into the cups. But we'd been waiting for the Earth King for a half hour.
"What's taking so long?", Zuko asked.
"Maybe the Earth King overslept.", Dad guessed.
Suddenly the Dai Lee came in surrounding us.
"No, something's not right.", I said.
Then someone else came in.
"It's tea time."
"Azula. I knew it. It was a trap.", I affirmed.
"How you met the Dai Lee? They're earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that's so firebender. I just love it."
Dad took his cup.
"Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "The Dragon of the West"?"
"I'm not interested in a length anecdote, Uncle."
"It's more of a demonstration, really.", he took a sip of the tea.

Zuko and I smirked then went behind him. Dad attacked the Dai Lee with fire breath.

Zuko broke the wall so we can espape, Dad following behind us

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Zuko broke the wall so we can espape, Dad following behind us. Dai Lee shot earth at us but we avoided them. Dad then shot lightning at another wall and he jumped out landing in a bush. I followed him by waterbending a slide freezing it. We looked up at Zuko.

"Come on, you'll be fine!", Dad yelled at him.
"No. I'm tired of running. It's time I faced Azula.", Zuko said walking away.
"ZUKO, NO!", I yelled.
Dad facepalmed.
"Come (Y/N), I know who can help us."
I followed him.

Zuko's POV

I stood in front of Azula and the Dai Lee.
"You're so dramatic. What, are you going to challenge me to an Agni Kai?", she threatened.
"Yes. I challenge you.", I dared.
"No, thanks."

I firebended at her but the Dai Lee earthbended a ramp to prevent it to hit her. They shot earth hands at my feet making me loose balance then shot another at my hand on the ground. I tried to free myself but I couldn't. They hold me bringing me under the palace. One of them opened a gap of a tunnel.

"You've got company.", he said.
The other one holding me pushed me making me roll down the tunnel.
I looked up seeing the waterbender girl in front of me.


Dad and I had captured a Dai Lee agent standing in front Aang's house. He knocked at door. It opened.

"Glad to see you're ok.", the earthbender girl said.
"We need your help.", I begged.
Sokka and Aang screamed while the girl waved at us.
"You guys know each other?", Aang questioned her.
"I met him in the woods once and knocked him down. Then he gave me tea and some very good advice.", she said
"May we come in?", Dad asked.
She nodded. We went in.
"(Y/N)!", Aang jumped at me hugging me, "I'm so glad you're alright."
"It's nice to see you again, Aang.", I returned the hug.
"Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se.", Dad told.
"She must have Katara."
"She has captured Zuko, as well.", I said.
"Then we'll work together to fight Azula and save Katara and Zuko.", Aang declared.
"Whoa, there. You lost me at "Zuko".", Sokka protested.
"I know how you must feel about my nephew, but believe me when I tell you there is good inside him.", Dad said placing a hand on Sokka's shoulder.
" "Good inside him" isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, ok.?"
"Katara's in trouble. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance.", Aang said to persuade him.
"Sokka, please.", I begged.
He sighed then nodded.
"We brought someone along who might be able to help us."

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