The Boiling Rock, Part 2

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Previously on Avatar ...

It's my dad, he was captured too.
My guess is they were taken to the Boiling Rock. It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake. It's inescapable.

It's nothing, huh?

We just need to lay low and find my dad as soon as possible.

Stop righ there, Chit Sang. I've had it with you unruly behavior.
You're going in the cooler.

It's Suki.
I'm so glad to see you, Sokka, I knew you'd come.

I heard you're hatching an escape plan, and I want in.

Yeah, new arrivals coming in at dawn.
Anybody interesting?
Nah, just the usual. Some robbers, couple traitors, some war prisoners.

War prisoners. It could be Hakoda.



Sokka and I took Suki and Zuko back to their cells then went to the place where Hakoda and the new prisoners were lined up in front of the warden.

Sokka and I took Suki and Zuko back to their cells then went to the place where Hakoda and the new prisoners were lined up in front of the warden

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We pushed through the soldiers.
"Excuse us, coming through. The warden wants us over there, sorry.", Sokka said.
We stood behind a soldier line.
"Welcome to the Boiling Rock. I'm sure you've all heard the horrible rumors about our little island. Well, I just want to tell you that they don't have to be true as long as you do everything I say.", the warden stood in front of Hakoda, "Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you."
"No.", Hakoda said.
"You'd rather look at my shoes? Then take a look.", he pushed Hakoda to the ground with his chains, "I know exactly who you are, Hakoda of the Water Tribe. So strong-willed. But don't worry, we'll get rid of that in time. Now look me in the eye."
In hesitation, Hakoda glared at him.
"See, isn't that better? You will all do as I say or pay the price. You will all...", he got interrupted because Hakoda stripped him.
Sokka and I snickered. The soldiers in front of us ran to him.
"Are you okay, sir?", one them asked.
"I'm fine.", he stood up, "Get these prisoner out of my sight!"

Sokka's POV

I opened the door of the cell where Dad was. He looked up at us.
"Thank goodnes you're okay.", I approached him.
"If you take one step closer, you'll see just how okay I am.", Dad threatened us in a fight stance.
"Hakoda, it's us.", (Y/N) chuckled taking her helmet off.
I did too.
"Sokka, my son.", he hugged me in tears, "(Y/N), come here."
(Y/N) joined us in the hug.
"You know, Sokka, you should be more careful with that guard outfit on. I almost punched you in the gut.", Hakoda said.
"I ran into that problem earlier."
"And (Y/N), you're here too."
"You told me to protect them and I promised it, didn't I?", she mentioned in tears.
He nodded. We all hugged together again. No words said.

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