The Explosion

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It was music night again. I was with the crew on deck. Lieutenant Jee was playing the guitar while Uncle Iroh was singing. Even the crew was dancing.

Winter, springSummer, and fallWinter, springSummer, and fallFour seasonsFour lovesFour seasonsFour loves

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Winter, spring
Summer, and fall
Winter, spring
Summer, and fall
Four seasons
Four loves
Four seasons
Four loves

Suddenly the crew stopped playing and dancing. I turned seeing Admiral Zhao was on our ship.
"I'm taking Prince Zuko's crew. And his little concubine too.", he announced looking at me.
I gasped.

I ran to warn Prince Zuko but he caught me by my arm. I struggled against him despite the strong hold. He dragged me towards Prince Zuko's chamber.

Zuko's POV

I was sulking in my chamber during the music night. Uncle encouraged me to play the tsungi horn but I refused. Suddenly the door opened.

"For the last time, I'm not playing the tsungi horn.", I repeated angry.
"No, it's about our plans. There is a bit of a problem.", Uncle said.
"I'm taking your crew."
I turned seeing Admiral Zhao. He was holding (Y/N) who struggled against him.
"I've recruited them for a little expedition to the North Pole.", he declared.
"Uncle, is that true?"
"I'm afraid so. He's taking everyone, even the cook.", Uncle cried.
"I'm even taking your little concubine with me. Sorry you won't be there to watch me capture the Avatar, but I can't have you getting in my way again.", Admiral Zhao added.

I charged at him to save (Y/N) but Uncle held me off. He went with (Y/N) to my wall with my dual swords. My eyes widened. He took one of them from the wall.

"I didn't know you were skilled with broad swords, Prince Zuko.", he said.
"I'm not. They're antiques, just decorative.", I lied.
"Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh?"
"Just rumors. I don't think he is real.", Uncle told.
"He's real, all right. He's a criminal and an enemy of the Fire Nation. But I have a feeling justice will catch up with him soon."
He gave the sword back to my uncle.
"General Iroh, the offer to join my mission still stands, if you change your mind. Come on, filth."
He started dragging (Y/N) away towards the door.


"On my dead corpse.", I yelled.

I took hold of Admiral wrist and twisted it strong so that he cried out letting me go. Then I kicked him to the ground. Prince came to me and hugged me close to him.

"I will tell them the secret you kept.", Admiral Zhao growled.
I laughed at him.
"What secret? That I can waterbend? Spare your words. They all know."
"They all know. They also know you raped and killed my mother. I guess you didn't receive my message."
His eyes widened.
"And they still accepted me like I am. So I'm saying this four words again. On. My. Dead. Corpse."
I wraped my arms around Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh.

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