Chapter - 2

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I woke up at the rise of the sun, quickly gathering up the little things I had carried with myself and rushing back to the camp, hoping on one would ask me how I had managed to get so clean after glancing at me.

But as it turned out, I was just being paranoid. No one had time to spare me two glances, everyone was preparing themselves for the major task we were to do today. Infiltrate the main enemy base.

Enter the lair where the god was said to be sitting, watching over the entire war.

"Commander." I greeted in respect when he brushed past me, his eyebrow raised as he looked at me.

"My tent. Now." He simply muttered, gesturing for me to follow him, his manner of speaking never giving away anything about his future plans. What now?

"Let's talk strategy Csilla. I have already informed the others about the division of our troop but since you were not here," he uttered with a pointed stare that I chose to ignore, "here's what is expected of you."

The next half an hour passed as he informed me about the strategy the higher authorities had asked him to move forward with, irritation clear on his face as he explained them to me, obviously not liking the method the authorities had chosen for us to lead with.

"It's okay commander. We're prepared." I murmured out at last in sympathy, glancing at him with my lashes, hoping he would stop feeling guilty for what was in store for us before the end of the day.

"I have no sway in this. I hope you know that." He stated, his eyes hard as he studies me, not liking the fact that I had picked on his distaste.

"As I said, we're all prepared for it. We know what we signed up for when we agreed to be the troop who would infiltrate the main base. It's fine commander. We know." I waited for a few moments, waiting for a word or a gesture from the man in front of me and sighed in my mind when I got none.

Alright then. Let's get going.

"Csilla!" I turned back to face the commander just to find his lips on mine, the taste of his tongue bitter and foul while his hand caught my long hair in an unshakeable grip. My eyes widened and I thrashed around to show my distress, shocked by the doings of the man that was supposed to lead us into battle.

What shit is this now?

"Commander! Behave yourself!" I almost snarled out, my voice rough and frantic as I pushed at his chest and wiped the taste out of my mouth, eyes snapping to the figure that retreated just a step, anger and humiliation clear on my face and voice.

How dare he!?

"Forgive me. It was a moment of weakness." The gnarly man sighed, his eyes still just as cunning and proud as they had been before he had recklessly made a move on me.

I wanted to yell at him. Really, I did. But I knew where he was coming from.

Wanting to leave some sort of mark behind on someone, anyone; was only a natural human behavior.

We just wanted to be remembered.

"I- I understand commander Will. I'll be taking your leave." I muttered softly, rushing out of his tent and taking a swig of the clean water I had gotten my hands on, spitting it out to get the taste of a man out of my tongue.

In the next hour we rounded our supplies and made way back on the field, ready to begin where we had ended yesterday.

We were met by an unpleasant surprise when we reached our spot.

The enemies we were to be fighting today weren't human. They were the creatures of the night. The most savage of warriors and the most ruthless of killers, the inner army of the god that we were fighting against.

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