Chapter - 27

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I turned to stare up at Cassius to gauge his reaction to the news, the deathly still man not showing an ounce of emotion as he stared back at Ares, my brows furrowing and I turned back to the god of war, wondering what it was he was looking at.

The deity seemed just as confused.

"You need to address the crowd Cas- your majesty. People will be waiting whenever you are ready." With that overwhelming sentence, Ares had shut the door and was out of the room, my head once again turning to glance at the new king of the heaven, horribly overwhelmed when I repeated those words in my head.

"What now your majesty?" I murmured, questioned, in a dazed tone, gulping softly when he turned to face me with cold eyes.

"Say my name Csilla." He ordered in a manner even I knew could not be pushed and I followed, keeping my tone low. "Cassius." Something akin to understanding washed over me and I lifted my eyes back to stare into his, straightening up, voicing myself more louder, confident. "Cassius."

I may only be in my human form, but I was still Csilla. His mate. His equal. His Csilla.

"I am going to take care of the few last things that need to be dealt with." He answered my earlier question with a satisfaction in his voice that had not been there before, the usual darkness that always seemed to be in his eyes having vanished, the blue of it so light and seemingly- free that it took my breath away.

He looked like a liberated man.

"And you," He cocked his head as he stared at me, as if deciding what to do with me and I glared at him, warning him to not pull any shit, "You, are going to sleep till I come back and then we will go out and address the leftovers. Rest my sweets." Oh no. Not that easy.

"Do I get a say in this?" I questioned, already suspicious of his answer, rolling my eyes when he shot me an impudent grin. Bastard.

"I'm afraid not. Not on this one. You need to recover. The shock of dying will hit a bit later. It's better if you're asleep and in your dreams of me when it does." What a cocky man. Let's ruffle his feathers and bring him down from the high horse.

"I'll assure you, if I wish to see attractive men, you won't be the one I will be dreaming of." Boy was it fun to see his face twist in a snarl. "Bye Cassius, you may go and work."

He was back around me before I could wiggle back into a sleeping state, fingers weaving in my hair before I could push him away, intentions clear as he forced me to look him eye to eye. "Sleep my little one. And dream only of me."

The command fell in my ears and then I was more drowsy than I had ever been, jumbled up curses that were so low I could not hear myself left me as I dropped into the darkness that had grown to become far more comfortable than anything other than his arms.

When I next woke up I knew it had been more than a few hours, the candles that were burning in the semi-dim room casting a soothing glow on the walls, the large mirror reflecting the flickering fire's luminosity, the room seeming romantic in the shadowed lights.

No doubt his attempt to lessen my ire.

No chance. Especially not with the fact that he had still not removed the restrains that bound me.

"I see you are still annoyed." I shot him a withering look to tell him to shove his words up his ass, raising my brow mockingly to ask whatever had given him that deduction. "I like to see you like that. You look so pretty when you are at my mercy."

At his mercy? What am I- still a damn prisoner? "And what will it take for you to unbind me from this stupidity oh my mighty master!?" I sneered distastefully, another crude comment away from lunging for him and tearing him to shreds.

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