Chapter - 19

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It had been a few days since the very enlightening, very intense night out and I was currently back in the library, browsing through the books his majesty had asked me to go through, the economic and social subjects whizzing past my head as I turned every page.

Taking a few other books that I planned on reading in the confines of the majesty's chamber, I walked out of the library, not exactly wanting to go to the closed walls yet.

I decided to take a quick detour towards the gardens, where I spent the next hour or so peacefully, the low amount of guards around me calming because there weren't much people staring like crazy fools at me.

I had been playing with the flowers that were coloring the bushes beside the small bench I was sitting on when the summon from the god came, a maid running around frantically to get to me, making me straighten up, her huffing comical while I silently let her catch her breath.

"Now now. Why are you in such a rush?" I asked, rubbing the hysteric woman's back, stepping away when she rightened herself.

"Miss. His majesty. The lord has summoned for you to appear in the court room immediately." Okay, that cannot be good. I went to ask what this was in relation to, only to get the answer before I could speak. "I do not know why miss. He asked for you." Nodding, the two of us made our way back inside, leaving the open blue sky and white clouds behind, the anxiety of why he would summon me in front of all his subjects making me bite on my finger-nails.

The guard that was impeccably dressed in his uniform announced my arrival the second I turned the hallway, the heavy metal doors creaking open as the servants behind the other side of the door threw them open just as I reached the heavily designed exquisite doors.

Taking a quick breath to prepare myself for whatever trouble it was that I had landed myself in, I sauntered in, feigning confidence, keeping my eyes trained on the high levelled throne that was shimmering from the precious priceless stones embedded in it, taking in the king that sat on it with his legs outstretched and on the ottoman, a smile of pure arrogance plastered across his monstrously handsome face.

Yeah, looking at him did not assure me in the slightest.

I stopped at the steps that led to his throne, dropping and kneeling in front of him to greet the god, casting my eyes downwards. I glanced up for a bare moment, catching the small smirk playing on his face, trying to be respectful and not narrow my eyes at him in disdain.

"Your majesty, may peace be with you," I murmured the standard greeting I had learnt to speak during my training years, "And may you forever reign." I almost smiled at the last sentence, knowing for the first time that the sentence was in fact true and that yes, indeed he would indeed reign forever.

"Why thank you human. You may stand up." I got back on my feet the second he spoke, discreetly dusting the dress to rid it of the imaginary dust that I knew wasn't on it, looking directly back up at him now.

"You summoned me your highness?" I asked, keeping my voice low, polite; the tone weird to speak in. How did so many women manage to speak in such a manner?

He didn't address me this time. "This is Csilla Verlice. A human. A soldier. And a scholar." No I wasn't- "My fellow subjects," He drawled after shooting me a sharp look as if aware of the fact that I would interrupt him to correct him, the dark black veins beneath his skin warning me and making me snap my slightly opened jaw shut, letting him speak. "Meet the newest member of our council of generals."


Uproar shot out the second he was done speaking, just like I had expected it to, the men and a selected few women that sat the closest to his throne gasping and muttering among themselves in outrage, shooting me dirty looks which I caught through my peripheral vision.

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