Chapter - 17

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I groaned softly, shifting around as I drifted back from the depths of unconsciousness, clenching my eyes before opening them, hearing my breath hitch when I saw where I was, the arms of the god that looked horribly gorgeous after what he had just done wrapped around my knees and torso as he walked.

I stared up at him, his usually smooth-shaven jaw showing the first signs of a stubble, his pace brisk as he marched forward, a muscle in his cheek twitching to show his fury, the spring air still a little cold as it hit my skin, the darkness around us in the background confusing because it should've been morning ages ago.

"W-What?" I started and then cleared my throat from how rough I sounded, wiggling a little to get his attention, wincing when the cut on my stomach and forearm rubbed against the surface of his cloth harshly. He glanced down, the silver in his eyes still a little visible, the black irises' sucking me into them. "Where are we?" He looked forward wordlessly and I turned to see what it was, the sight of the castle we were initially staying in making me sigh.

So it was over.

"Why are you carrying me?" I asked softly, cowering when he narrowed his eyes at me, his pace never faltering even when he was killing me with his eyes.

"Because you fainted Csilla." I opened my mouth to ask why that had happened, but he continued, shutting me up with a withering look, "You fainted because of the poison on the arrows. Had Thalia not quickly summoned up a potion, do you realize what could have happened?" I gulped, deciding not to nod to show I did, the thought of having died scary. "What if Thalia nor I had been present there knowing about witchcraft, do you have any idea what could have become of you?" I nodded this time, very uncertainly, lowering my eyes when the burn in his got too intense.

"I'm okay now. I can walk. You can put me down your majesty." His response to my words was only tightening arms around my frame, the hold suddenly so tight that I could barely move. His answer was clear without even words. He wasn't putting me back on my feet.

"Oh no, little human. You're not getting out of my hold until I have you back in that damned room with chains pinning you where you are." That got me riled up. I won't let him chain me. Now or ever.

"You will do nothing of the sorts!" I hissed, pulling my arm to push at his chest, anger bubbling when I just then noticed the cloth around my wrists that bound me. How could he!?

"Oh but I will." He spoke seething, his arms pulling me up till his mouth was to my ear, hot and warm and sending weird tingles all over. "I will my little Csilla. And you're going to take the punishment I give you for disobeying my direct orders without the smallest complaints." He hissed, his movements making his suit brush directly against my cut and I whimpered, pushing myself away as an involuntary action, his hands loosening immediately.

We'll see about that punishment.

I found myself being taken back to the room minutes later, the hands around me really intent on not putting me down even when we were back in the confides of his room. His hands around me were so taut with anger that I was sure he was going to throw me on the bed so hard that I would faint again but his gentle actions surprised me when he softly put me down on the mattress, a long talon slipping in between the cloth around my wrists and tearing it off.

Sitting up after he moved a step away, I rubbed my wrists, tearing a part of my already torn and shredded dress and wrapping it around my forearm, another long piece of cloth held at my stomach.

"Slip out of that dress." I narrowed my eyes at his words, clenching my fist. Say what now? "Your wounds you idiotic woman. Let me see them." I shook my head no firmly in answer, getting up to go the bathroom.

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