Chapter - 34

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"Csilla! How long will it take for you to dress up?" The sound of my dearest 'husband' drifted through the walls of our mansion as he struggled around with the chaos that our children were causing downstairs, the laughs and the mock fights not stopping despite his demands.

I chuckled as I heard him blabber futilely to the kids that refused to listen, the fact that someone that wasn't me would dare to not follow his words still baffling for him even with the past 20 years of experience.

Some things never change.

"Mable! Emrys! Enough now. Stop bothering him, no matter how much fun it is!" I cajoled out as I slipped into a modern dress that a century ago was a shock to wear when it had come out, the bulged eyed look I had thrown Cassius when he had held up the short dress ringing in my head as I slipped it on and then back off, unsatisfied with the look of it on me.

"Csilla, you look great! Just come on!"

Impatient asshole.

"We're having dinner at the human queen's palace, so you better bloody wait!" Cackles, the sound a shrill noise, cut through the air as the children laughed at their father being scolded kept a smile intact on my face as I dressed into the peach gown, the look definitely a bit too much but I went with it, knowing I had to look far more regal and professional than the human queen.

Power play.

I flashed downstairs till I was face to chest with the one and only and staring up at him, the black eyes that I had grown to love because of the untold desires they held behind trailing down from my smiling face to my dressed form, the subtle lick of his lips as he gave me another once over making my legs wobble even after the centuries I had spent alongside him being fancied. "Fuck."

'Let's leave before I engage into something impulsive my sweets.' The scrunched up faces the green eyed boy and the aqua eyed girl made at us made me roll my eyes yet again while Cassius narrowed his mockingly, my back colliding with his chest as he pulled me back while I turned to bid them adieu.

"Emrys. Stop with such faces!" Trying to be stern but failing I grinned out at the smaller version of Cassius and how embarrassed and disgusted he seemed, my legs suddenly buckling when the beast of an idiot skimmed his lips over my mark, a gasp breaking out before I could hold it back.

"Kids. I love your mother. And this how it always bloody will be. Stop making such faces and respect it. This is how it should be anyways." No decency. I jabbed him in the ribs when he wouldn't stop with his antiques and let me speak clearly, the soft grunt making me smirk as I straightened up and blushed at the sight of two wide-eyed children of mine that would not believe his father's audacity to do what he did in front of them.

'We're already late. Perhaps we should leave?' He gave a nod in response from behind me and then muttered out a bye to the kids, the sudden gleam in their eyes making me stop Cassius short. "Kids. I'll know if you do something. Careful there."

The faces fell the second the words left me. "Mom! It's just a small gathering!" Ah. The epitome of 'fun' for today's world. A dumb party.

"And where were you planning on hosting it?" Came the amused voice of the smug father as he grinned at the caught children, the two of them scowling at whatever face he made behind me.

"The lake house." Mabel granted, the fallen face something that always worked for her to get her way.

"You know we wouldn't have said no if you had asked. Go on now. Stop sulking and throw the party you clearly want to. Just make sure no one dies." I half- joked, The whoosh of air as I smelled Adrastos appear beside us making me confused.

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