Chapter - 5

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I waited patiently till I could hear the god's breaths even out and was sure he was asleep and then I waited some more, just to make sure I was right.

Then, when I was sure that it was the dead of the night and that no one anywhere around me was up and about, I pushed myself up from the half-laying position I was in and walked out into the open balcony adjacent to where I was, trying to walk in the measured paces the chains allowed me to, which was difficult because it barely allowed me to take proper steps.

They really need to come off. Soon.

Cringing at even the smallest rattle the chains on me made, I walked around and peered down from the balcony, trying to see if there was anyone around down there, surprised and elated to find no one.

Was it really going to be easy?

Okay, the nearest ally camp seem to be about 5-6 miles down, the fluttering flags with the symbols of the other gods reassuring me that the war was very much still on.

How had I recovered so quick? Or has it been going on for months? And even if it is- why weren't there any scars on me? Okay, that question had been in my mind since I showered.

Shaking my head to forget about those problems right now, I focused on trying to get the map of the shortest route out of this den instilled in my mind, roughly sizing up length and direction, the need to be quick thumping in the back of my mind.

Okay, now just gotta hop down and run like hell.

If all goes right, I should be able to get to the ally camps before twilight, even with these stupid chains around my ankles.

I chanted a little encouragement in my head and took a step forward and then froze up completely.

He was behind me.

"Going somewhere?" I whirled around, heart racing at the fact that he had caught me in the act of escaping twice now.

And he didn't seem very happy about it.

Two ways to go about now. Either jump and continue and hope you can get away or not do that. I went with the cowardly response. Running now was only going to infuriate him more. And it was futile. He was awake, it wasn't like I could outrun him.

"Well?" I took a step back when he walked forward, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his nightclothes, his eyes back to black as the flames of the torches around us burned and reflected light in the darkness that were his eyes, my palms sweating as he drew nearer. In the short time I had been here, I knew that his black eyes never meant well.

What do I do? What do I say? What the bloody fuck do I do?

"I-I'm s-sorry your majesty-y." I muttered stupidly, still taking steps back while he inched forward, stuttering the four words out.

He took a sure step forward that scared me more than it should've and I acted instinctively, my step a little wider than the chains allowed and I lost my equilibrium, the space behind me too little and my stance too wobbly.

I screamed when I felt myself fall back, whimpering when I felt a hand around my arm, pulling me back before I toppled over and crashed my skull open. I slid down the railings I was just going to fall over from, waiting for his next move, done with everything.

"You're very clumsy for a soldier human." Okay, I'm not done yet.

My eyes narrowed on their own accord, the insult hitting every sensitive part of me. I let out an annoyed breath as discreetly as possible, trying to get myself to not lash out on the already angry god and give him my head on a platter.

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