Chapter - 20

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Kill me now.

I stood still as hands roamed over my body, fingers making me jump when they touched my bare shoulders and stomach and head and toes and everything in between, my face coated red from the blood rushing through my veins and white from the milk that was being poured over my forehead.

The chambermaids chatted lowly with me as if aware of how uncomfortable I was, murmuring kindly about how good I looked or how my skin looked really smooth and much more embarrassing comments that I knew were meant to calm me but only made me grow more flustered.

Really. Kill me.

"It's okay miss. This is our job. You need not be so embarrassed." I felt myself smiling in more embarrassment, meekly nodding and telling them that I understood. "I apologize if I'm making this awkward for you. I just- am not used to- well- this." I muttered, sinking further into the milk bath when the maids laughed softly.

Soft feminine expert fingers pulled at my hair softly, applying a heavenly smelling product in them, the scent so strong that I had to hold back a pleasurable sigh. The woman massaged it slowly into the roots of my tangled mess, combing the wet curls out without hurting me in the slightest.

"Oh could you comb my hair for the rest of my life? I really don't know how you manage to not make it sting and hurt." I spoke in a low moan, sighing as the woman behind me chuckled and answered that she would happy to do that, my head resting against the cold marble of the edge while I thought about how in the next few hours I would be a general to a god- a protogenos.

"Are you nervous?" The woman asked after a fleeting moment, the other maids shooting her a warning look as if telling her to shut it, her uncertain tone going meek and then fading away.

I frowned, calmly trying to convey that they weren't imposing and could freely talk to me. "It's fine. Why do you seem so alarmed? I'm just another person. And of course I am. I am absolutely terrified to be completely honest."

I squeaked, yelped and then dove under the liquid when the curtain to the bathroom was thrown open, the king entering with a royal smirk marred on his face, the maids letting out gasping noises and lowering their heads immediately, moving to a corner before I could tell them to stop and keep shielding me.

"Your majesty! Indecent!" I squeaked out, lowering my face again in the tub after speaking, his smirk only widening as he shrugged.

"Relax human. I cannot see anything. Which is a shame really but I just came by to check on how you were doing. Try not to think too much. This is just officializing, for me you already belong in my court. Try to remember that for me will you?" I screeched when he pulled up by my chin, nodding like a lunatic when he forced me to meet his eyes.

"Yessss! Now leave!" I shrieked lowly, dropping back down in the safety of the opaque liquid. He chuckled, pet my hair for a moment as if I was a dog, told something to one of the maids in a language I did not know to which the woman rapidly nodded with wide eyes and then left, whistling his way out.


"Uhm. Miss. You can come out now. His majesty left." The flustered maid spoke cautiously, my poor heart thundering from the sheer amount of mortification was feeling.

Just when I had relaxed back into the tub and let them get back with their jobs, the curtains were once again thrown open, a snarl of sorts leaving me this time as I dumped myself down again, ready to hurl insults at the notorious god.

"Sorry Csilla. Thalia dragged me here." Adrastos spoke as he averted his eyes quickly, Thalia on the other hand blatantly staring at me with narrowed eyes.

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