Chapter - 8

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"Csilla, was it?" I nodded, looking at the brunette 'best friend', trying to rake my brain to remind me of the ridiculous name the man had. "Adrastos. Don't look so conflicted. What are you doing in this part of the palace?"

"I was just roaming around. His majesty told me I could as long as I got back in the rooms before sundown so I was making the best of the offer. I don't really know what is where so I'm a little lost. Do you mind telling me the way back to his room? I really do not want to get myself in trouble." I looked around to see if I could still figure where I was, falling short of answers when I only saw hostile faces staring back at me, turning to look back at the second in command with a guilty smile.

"Of course. Follow me. In case Cassius or I aren't available you can ask for whatever you want to the help, that includes the guards or anyone for the matter. You're the king's guest after all." I scoffed at the last sentence, only noticing the pointed look that he was giving the people around us then, realizing that the words weren't just trained for me.

"I- thank you sir. That's very generous of you."

"Please Csilla. They were Cassius' orders. It's not like I can ignore them. And call me by my name, that is if you can remember it."

I laughed. I had to. The man was charming and kind and was treating me as if I was worthy of his respect rather than the degrading looks I had gotten everywhere I walked.

I appreciated it more than anything in my entire life.

"We have a day off since we've just returned from war. Would you like for me to show you around? I promise I'm good company." I nodded energetically to answer him, chuckling when he did. "Tell me about yourself Csilla. What exactly is it that you did to win over my friend's attention?"

"Would you believe me if I said I have no idea? I'm as confused as the people around me are when they're shooting me looks." I muttered, grinning after a long time, the action being one I had almost forgotten, "I'm pretty confident that he actually plans on killing me when I'm asleep and is just amusing himself with me for a while."

"Well don't you have the highest of hopes from me little human. Adrastos, are you annoying her with your mindless chattering?" I jumped three feet in the air when a regal voice suddenly drawled very near my ear, my heart beating out of its cage for a moment before it calmed down.

"Cassius. She, like everyone else, enjoys being in my company. Everyone knows I'm more preferred than you are. Don't get grumpy on facts now." It was really bizarre to see someone talk to the dark god like that. But it made him seem normal.

"Csilla, are you enjoying yourself?" The god asked, ignoring his second in command and his words, the other man rolling his eyes at this.

"I am, your majesty. Adrastos was just about to give me a tour around the palace since I can't remember my way around."

"Enjoy yourself little human, I'll see you later in the evening for dinner. Adrastos, make sure the woman doesn't face any discomfort or I'll be displeased. We do not want that now, do we?" The god shot a dark look around the hallway, frantic heads snapping up and down, spines stiffening.

The god left after shooting another writhing look that had everyone cower lightly, the second in commander seemingly unaffected by all his actions. "Can I ask you something?" Adrastos nodded, guiding me around with a hand on the curve of my spine, his touch gentle unlike any man's had ever been.

It felt nice to be treated like that.

"He- uhm- the" How am I supposed to refer to him to other people? "Uhm the king did something the other day. I don't exactly know what but it was this weird sensation. I don't exactly know how to say this- he somehow forced me to answer him. How did he do th-"

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