Chapter - 30

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Apparently when you have sex with a god, who is also the alpha, the lord, the highest warlord and more shit I will not even get into to the species of his empire, everyone gets to know that you fucked their boss because of some weird mojo shit.

So yes- Thalia was an absolute delight the day after the eventful day.

We sat in the courtroom with an excited buzz going around, my eyes rolling every time timid eyes rose up to meet me, the smug bitch that called himself a god gracefully and lazily going over a few reports I had written in the time he was gone.

But hell, I would be lying if I said I was not a bit excited either.

While Cassius had been gone, I had made a few teensy-weensy changes around in his empire, one I had been very proud of being that I had asked for the humans of the empire to hand-pick a council to represent them on their own, and the representatives were said to be arriving at any given moment today.

Oh yes- today surely was exciting.

I heard feet shuffling towards the hallways of the courtroom and the scent of humans hit me in waves an hour or so later, the chattering around dying down as the announcement was made about the humans having arrived to see his majesty.

"Cassius. Put the damn thing down. Now!" I hissed when he showed no signs of responding or straightening up, small chuckles rising from the creatures that heard me scold the man-child.

"You are utterly rude to me sometimes Csilla. Why don't you remember that when we retire to our chambers tonight?" This time, the laughter was far more louder.

'You ass! Just you wait!'

'You mean your ass. I'm going to paint it red little one.'

He was impossible!

And yet here you are, flushing at his statement.

Sometimes, I really hated the always ready to take his side beast.

The doors opened and men and women shuffled in, dressed in their best dresses and uniforms, my eyes drawling over each and every one as I silently assessed them, a sudden gasp that rose from one of them making me turn to them sharply, a choked screech ringing in my head when I saw who it was.

What were the fucking chances!?

'Where do I know that man from again Csilla?'

I cringed in my head at the deathly steely sound of Cassius, grinning sheepishly and subtly as I turned to him, my hand moving till it rested on his throne, right above his, barely squeezing. Just so that he doesn't flash towards him when he remembers who he is.

The hand below me tightened around his throne and I heard his teeth gritting and jaw clenching, knowing the memory he had gone through in my head had hit him.


"Greetings there Command- Will." I muttered as I tried to keep my composure, horribly surprised. He had survived the war? The last I saw of him had been us fighting those monsters on the battlefield that are one of the most loyal species to me now.

How times change.

"Greetings human. And who will you be to address your queen by her name?" Ah shit. He does not sound happy.

"I'm sure he was just surprised Cassius, the last he saw of me, things were drastically different. We can surely let it pass, can we not?" I asked meaningfully around the room, reluctant nods from the councils meeting me when I shot them a narrowed look.

The menacing growl Cassius gave made the humans that had just arrived fall on their knees and the councils whimper, my own sound of anger filling the air as I saw him act brashly.

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