Chapter - 7

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It felt weird to be around other people after so long. The dark lord had pulled me out of the room without much of a word earlier today, dragging me out into the main area of the wooden airship we were travelling in, saying something about showing me the way of 'his' men.

It was nice.

When his men weren't interacting with human prisoners, they were nice. To one another I mean.

I was still getting looks. There were various murmurs that rose but were far too low to be comprehendible every time I passed by someone, the pointing and the chuckles making me huff out angrily once a while.

By afternoon, I was ready to go back.

"Can I please go back?" I murmured, sliding up to the royal man, stupidly feeling better while beside the god than the less dangerous of his men.

"You seem glum little human." I shook my head no, not wanting to get into the whole deal. "What's wrong Csilla?" The man suddenly asked sternly, gripping my forearm, order to answer him clear. I shook my head no, telling him it was nothing. "I'll give you a word of advice, learn to ignore. People intimidated by you will always try to put you down."

"You mean like you did in the night?" I slapped my hand on my mouth when I realized I had said it out loud, craning my neck up to my side, trying to decipher the expression on his face and preparing to bolt.

He chuckled, nodding at what I had said, pushing down at my shoulders to get me to sit down on the small wooden chairs that were placed around the large open area. "Exactly like that. Come, keep me company."

He was being too good. Something had to be wrong.

"Where are you taking us?" I looked around to see where the other prisoners were but found none around, the fact that he wasn't using soldiers to work for him shocking me.

"Where do you think?" He asked, sitting back with a glass of whisky in his hands, the smell of the spirit strong.

"Your kingdom?" He smirked, his pearly canines shining as his lips uncovered them, the answer silently delivered.

What would my life be like once there?

"W-What will you do of us?" I heard myself asking hesitantly, not at all eager for his answer because it there was nothing he could say to make it better, it was going to be bad.

Come on Csilla, you knew it wasn't going to end well.

"When you want to try being courageous little human, try not to stutter. It gives away just how scared you are." Yep, we were back to being terrified of him. What was I thinking? Standing up against him last night? He could make my life a living hell the second he pleased. "I do not usually bring in prisoners from wars, much less humans in my kingdom. I haven't exactly given in much thought either."


I got up and walked away from him, almost running back to his room, wanting to be back in the air but alone, with no one shooting glares at me or internally killing me in their minds. Most of all- I didn't want to be around the god that held my life on the tip of his fingers and do something stupid that would make him tip my life bucket over.

The rumbling that shook the airship we were on during the late evening made me leave the comfort of the balcony and go back into the room to see what was going on, but I noticed it just before I turned.

The sky turned dark a little ahead in the horizon, the deathly black color a striking contrast to the orange glowing sunset in front of me, a large dome shaped structure standing tall in the distance, surrounded by a vast empire, surrounded by his vast empire.

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