Chapter - 35

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"Cassius this is unfair!" I squeaked out just as his hand came down to knead the flesh of my bottom, the quick yet hard pinch he gave making me yelp and squirm against the stupid cuffs he had placed around me with a threat of a harder punishment if I broke them off.

He had definitely managed to come up with ingenious ways to subdue me from using my powers. "Life's never fair my sweets. If it was, you never would have met me."

Shivering at the soft kiss he pressed on my neck, I kept myself from whimpering because I knew he enjoyed it far too much, enjoyed the play far too much, the fingers between my legs coaxing one out of me despite my hardest tries. "Please sire!"

The sharp sting that came from his hand right over the sensitive bundle of nerves made the cuffs creak as I almost shot up in a sitting position, the push he gave to lie me back down rough and thick with warning. "That's not what you usually call me. What have you been reading my sweets?"

He knew me too well. Shit. "I'm sorry your majesty, it won't happen again!" I breathed out, already finding it hard to take deep breaths. We had barely even begun.

"Pointless. Not what I asked Csilla." I shut my eyes and mewled out in want when the fingers stopped all their movements, just when I desperately needed them, the moment of frustration providing Cassius with a window wide enough to peek at the cover of the book that flashed in my mind. "Ah. And did you touch yourself while reading it?"

I don't think I had ever replied to a question quicker. "No! I swear!"

He graciously provided me the few rough thrusts I required, obviously pleased with my answer, evident from the rumble that rose in his chest, the orgasm that rolled through my body quick and liberating as it washed over me. "I did not hear you asking for permission little one."

No. No. NO!

"Sorry Cas- Ungh! Sir!" A mellow scream crept out of me when he twisted my clitoris with that punishing hint he loved, the pleasure induced pain so intense that I could not have done anything to reinforce myself enough to not break the cuffs, the metal creaking before it gave a loud noise of breaking away.


Hands disappeared the moment the cuffs broke apart and I was left cold, the man standing tall just over my head with a gleam in his black eyes that made me worry about my ability to work and function properly for the next few weeks. "How should we take it from here baby?"

"Lovingly?" I hinted with a desperate edge laced in my voice, surprised when arms came around and picked me up and off the bed, the warm chest that rubbed up against me a familiar comfort nothing could ever replace before I was made to lay again, stance just a little different.

He laughed, aristocrat and kingly and regal and cocky, all teeth showing as he grinned down at my hopeful face, "I would if you enjoyed it half as much as you enjoy my roughness." I responded with a deep sound of annoyance at the truth that I did not want to agree to, the smirk in his voice pushing every right button in me that would elicit a response he would like.

Deep breaths Csilla.

"I'll please you! Anything you want! It's all red hearts, come on Cassius! Just not the cane, it stings for days. Your majesty, mercy; please!" The arrogant look in his eyes intensified and then I was half sitting up, his fingers on my chin painfully keeping my head and upper body up. The need to place my hands against the mattress was one that I fought hard despite my biggest wish at the moment, knowing that me using them would only give him more reason to play the evil man he clearly loved being in bed.

"All hearts you say my sweets? Then you'll be a good obedient girl for me, won't you?" I tried to nod as best as I could, gasping when he suddenly drew out his talons, going deathly still to avoid cutting myself from the razor sharp weapons he had handy.

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