Chapter - 31

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Well, this is quite pleasant.

Sipping on the drink Cassius had left behind, I stared leisurely at the handsome male that was glistening from the water he was in, blessing my eyes with every move his muscles made, smiling satisfied as I stared around the shore that lacked life other than ours.

"Come join me." I shook my head no, meaningfully roaming my eyes over the course of his body, biting the side of my lip as the sinful man stood too far away from me.

"I'm enjoying just fine. You can continue." I murmured, knowing he would hear me, not ready to take my eyes off of his sculpted chest and bother looking in his eyes.

"You're fucking me with your eyes." He boasted gloatingly, making me roll my eyes but I couldn't retort back because it was true. I shrugged carelessly to answer him, my eyes trailing to the biceps that looked as if they should be around me rather than so uselessly limp.

God he aroused me.

I looked down at myself, smirking yet mortified by what I had on, the skimpy underwear that was in no way polite to wear out in the open the only thing barely covering my body's essentials. I should not listen to Cassius' insisting pleas so much. "Alright, I'll join."

I flashed into the water, bunching up my hair into a bun to avoid getting them wet, smiling innocently as the man shot me a heated look that screamed what I was feeling. I swam a bit away and then back, thankful for my beast's swimming abilities cause I had clearly forgotten mine, stealing glances at the mate that was mine every once a while, feeling like a child that was stalking their crush.

"Csilla." I stopped still the second he murmured the word and turned to face him, licking my lip as I tried to keep up the clueless charade for a little more, enjoying the coyness. I gave him a questioning smile, enjoying as his eyes trailed down my form, fixating on my chest for a long moment, the look so sexy that I wanted him to take me right then and there. Who's eye fucking who now?

"Yes your majesty?" In a split second he was in front of me and in another I was over his shoulder, a mock gasp leaving me as I tried not to laugh, my legs freezing when a finger trailed up the inside of my knees and further up. "We're outdoors." I whispered breathlessly, trying to think through my brain, my eyes shutting as he grabbed my behind in a hold.

"If I want to have you now, I will have you now little one." A small yelp escaped me when he smacked my behind and then chuckled, my own hand drawing back and doing the same to the firm ass that was dangling right in front of my face.

I shouldn't have done that.

I screeched lowly when he did so again and again till I was sure my ass had hand-prints on it, the sting his palm left on its strike something I could not even call painful because his fingers massaging the flesh in between made it so good that I wanted him to do that more. "Bad Csilla. Hitting the love of your life, is that how you appreciate me?"

The nerve. "You hit me!"

"Who's to say you are the only woman I've loved?" Ouch.

I glared at the water we were leaving behind, protruding my claws deliberately, smirking as it cut the air viciously. I trailed them over the naked lower back of his torturously slow, grinning as the skin tightened in anticipation of my next move.

"I wouldn't have these if I wasn't." I murmured lowly, enjoying the callous laughter that shook his shoulders. "Did you ever though? Was there ever a woman before me?" I asked because I just couldn't help it, my voice suddenly unnaturally quiet.

"No. No, there wasn't. You'll always be the only woman. My one and only." I harrumphed satisfied because I did not want to cry, the claws slipping back beneath my nails just as quick as they had come, the mood uplifted just like that. Unceremoniously I was suddenly dropped on the laid back chair I had been earlier sitting on, a huff of exasperation escaping me as I berated him on how rouge he was.

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