Chapter - 10

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That was the one question I asked him every day for the past month when he came in the room that I had not left since, his answer always similar.

It had almost been a month since that dreadful day.

The two of us had fallen into a quiet routine, the teasing and grinning all gone with his harshness showing a full front, the god I had come to know hidden behind the dark monster that had overtaken him.

I should never have thought of him as any different.

I never should've taken the risk.

But I had. And I was about to take another one. This one far more dangerous.

I was going to break Thalia out.

Somberly, I looked silently as the god dressed himself up in all his glory, the council meeting he was headed to having him dress up more than he usually did, the sleek looking silver and black crown shining on top of his head, the blood red rubies that decorated the intricate design of the crown probably worth more than the earning of my entire village's working for an entire century.

His hair was pushed back in an intimidating way, the blue color of his eyes popping out from his dark clothing style, the electrifying blue probably enough to lure anyone into doing his bidding even without the power of compulsion he had. The silvery black robes that matched the crown atop his black strands silky smooth to see flowing down, covering the toned muscular killer frame of his beneath its folds.

He looked ravishing. He looked ferocious.

He looked himself.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes and I curled into myself, not liking his soul-searching gaze on me while I was trying to retain his look in my mind.

It was stupid, but a part of me did not want to leave.

He had showed me so much in the past months when he and I were still on talking terms. He had taught me Latin in his free times, he had showed me forbidden books and told me untold tales and had taught me about things I never would've even dared to understand. He had changed me with the secrets and knowledge of the worlds and the gods, molded my beliefs and torn my prejudices, shown me the world that I grew up to fear and proved just how wrong I had been in believing the century old tales that were sung about him in our homes.

He had painted a different picture of himself in my mind and then had taken and torn it all in a day's work.

Horrifyingly, I realized that I had grown attached to the monstrous god every human feared.

I cannot deal with that information right now. Especially not now.

"I will see you soon little human. Be good for me, yeah?" He drawled with a soft hiss like he always did these days, the fingers that traced my cheek making me cringe and draw away from him, my nod of acceptance heavier than I wanted.

I don't think you will your majesty.

I sighed softly when he left, getting up and moving around to get dressed for the day, and what a big day I had planned for my little self.

Oh my god I'm even referring to myself as little.

The next two hours passed as I sweated and contemplated the best course of action to break Thalia out of her cell and escape the mighty army that protected and roamed through every curve of the palace, all to be done in the one hour where the guards won't be where they were supposed to be, the dinner ring my main source of signal.

Oh this is going to be so bad.

I opened the doors of his room and walked out, walking down the hallways with a normal face plastered, ignoring when a few soldiers stared at me. Act natural, you're allowed to be roaming free, this is your right, don't be suspicious, was a continuous mantra I chanted to keep myself from screwing up, trying to appear fierce.

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