Chapter - 12

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I had been spending the nights with Thalia these days. And I was well aware of the fact that the god was not liking it.

He had made it plenty clear with his fits. Every time I happened to walk past the king's chambers, there were maids coming out of it, pulling pieces of delicate decorations that once adorned the room, his voice shaking the walls of the palace at the slightest episode of annoyance, everyone I saw seeming to walk on iron nails, afraid of being the person the dark lord might take his wrath out on.

Yeah, it was me.

I happened to have been in his room one afternoon, the sole purpose of going in his room being that I wanted to get one of the books he kept on his personal shelves, his presence when he made it very surprising since it wasn't the time of the day he ever came in.

I would know, I had spent months in the room with him.

I bit the inside of my cheeks when he closed the door behind him, the signs of a long conversation making me sigh internally.

"Csilla." His voice was rough, a tinge of dark creeping with it, the air around me suddenly cold. I did not like where this was going. "Your majesty." I greeted back softly, letting go of the book I was about to take out from his shelf, turning to face him.

"It was you that made a mistake. It was you that defied me. And yet here you are, throwing a fit and acting as if you have the moral high grounds!" He suddenly flashed in front of me, the suddenness leaving me stunned as I took a step back, his words stirring at the anger that had been calm before.

"I apologized! I did what I did with good intentions! I asked you what it would take for you to forgive my one bloody mistake!" He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, a sarcastic smile coating my lips as I retreated the finger that I had pushed in his chest to emphasis my point. "Oh now let me guess your majesty, will it be my forgiveness that paves way for yours?"

I would honesty rather die than force myself to forgive him. Especially when he was being such a jerk. "Well then, why don't you work on figuring out a punishment cause I am not ready to forgive you. And I WILL only forgive you when I want to."

His fingers were on my throat a second later but this time I had been expecting it and I was far too worked up to care about hurt. So I met his black eyes with fury etched in my own, not showing any signs of backing out this time.

"Should I kill you human? It's tempting."

"Maybe you should! It's clear that's what you plan on doing in the future anyways!" I hissed, pushing my face further up the exact moment when he leaned down to accommodate to the generous height difference to perhaps intimidate me, the result being us mashing our heads lightly.

I stiffened when I felt his forehead rest on mine, the brief clash of unknown emotions the small action brought out in me one I did not wish to think about, the momentary distraction not at all appreciated. He was much too distracting when he was so close.

I opened my mouth to fling more words at him but stopped short when I saw him tower over me with closed eyes, my eyes suddenly taking on a journey of their own as they stared at him, glancing up and down, the tension in his muscles, the rigidity and weariness on his face and the crinkles around his eyes as the black veins surrounded it making the immortal god look much older than usual.

He seemed exhausted.

I bit back the flight of insults I was going to throw at him, the look of him rising a little bit of pity in me and I bit my tongue, breathing out loudly through my nose.

I hated myself for having respect for him even after all he had done.

"I won't say it again- I'm sorry I escaped. I really am. Believe me when I say that a part of me did not wish to go. But I couldn't shake out the fear of you eventually hurting Thalia. And I couldn't let that happen your majesty. I like my conscious clean." I murmured lowly, trying desperately to get him to understand.

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