Chapter - 28

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"I do not understand how this will go forward. You have your own empire to run, you cannot possibly rule both heaven and down there. That was why you let Zeus reign for all this time. So why is this time any different?" Who would've believed that I would questioning about powers far beyond anyone could comprehend so casually?

"Zeus already sat on the throne long before me. There was not any election of sorts, nor was I in any mindset when I took control over them. I let it be for the time being because I did not want to indulge in any aspect of their lives at the time. I see where I went wrong. This time I will appoint someone worthy." He would- he will- he's going to appoint someone to sit on the throne of the skies?

"What if others do not agree?" He stopped, stepping in front of me which made me look up, the smirk fitted across his handsome face speaking volumes. It was a smirk that knew just how powerful he was.

"They do not get a say. They will vote for whoever they think will be appropriate and I can listen to their reasons and deliberations, but the final call is mine. I defeated the earlier ruler after all, not to mention the throne already belongs to me." Fuck.

"Cassius." I grinned at the look of concern that flashed in his eyes, standing up on my tippy-toes to peck him. "Remind me to reward you for your accomplishments later."

"Fuck you're the best." He muttered as he turned and then we were walking again, the champagne-colored dress I had on fluttering as he weaved us through the hallways of the grandly decorated endless place that was too far stretched to be labelled as a particular form of architecture. "Oh I may have forgotten to mention," I narrowed my eyes at the sight of the huge double doors that were painted gold and embedded with jewels, knowing I would not like whatever he will speak since he had deliberately kept it till the end. "The protogenoi will be present as well."

That bastard.

"Cassius?" I mumbled as I smiled at the guards that were hurrying to announce our arrival, slipping my hand in the crook of his arm as I gritted my teeth while smiling, the gulp that I heard him take satisfactory. "Remind me to punish you as well."

'Of course my sweets. Anything you say.' He smugly answered because he and I both knew it would only happen if he allowed it, my hand itching to smack him but I refrained, shaking myself from the inside as the double doors creaked open.

'Stay with me.' I mind-linked as I bunched up the bicep beneath his suit, trying to be very careful so as to not tear the fabric, the return of powers something I was beyond grateful for, especially with the new-found revelations. The hustling and bustling inside stopped as we were announced to the crowd, small chattering and murmuring ensuing as the light from inside started flooding into the slightly darker hallways, only to then abruptly stop, darkness descending all around us. Huh?

'Power play my sweets. It's me, stop worrying.' How can anyone be so commanding? We walked in hand in hand, the light fleeing wherever we moved, the gulps and whispers that rang in my ears no doubt very satisfactory to the man beside me, the tapping of my heels as I walked alongside the mighty lord far too loud in the deafening silence.

I could swear my legs were jelly the second my eyes looked around the bowing men and women. The bowing gods and goddesses.

My fingers involuntarily squeezed the protogenos I was walking with, glancing up at him just for a moment to seek a comfort only he provided, sliding further into him when I found him looking around with a look that screamed ownership. Over land, property and everyone in the room.

The flickering luminous light that was leading us to the center seats faded the second we stepped up at our thrones, covering heavens into black, the black that he reigned. 'Oh my god.'

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