Chapter - 6

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This time, I woke up back in the cage.

So we were back to this I see. I sighed at the plate of food that was placed in front of me, pushing it away dutifully, knowing controlling myself this time was going to be more difficult than the last.

I had eaten a lavish meal before, the hunger would return worse than before when it does.

And so the torturous days began again, nights and days spent refusing the food and water that was placed in front of me while the others enjoyed it in aloofness and I found myself almost giving up and eating as well, but the thought of forgetting fight didn't sit well and so I waited.

If I'm dying, I'll die fighting.

I will not die bring a compliant slave to the monster that so clearly wanted me to become one. If I was dying, I was going rebelling my merry way down.

"Why won't you eat?" A man who was chained up beside me whispered one fine afternoon, the slow uneven churning of wheels while we were moved to some unknown place playing in the background, his eyes curious when I turned to look at him.

"There's something in it. Some drug. I don't want to consume it." I rasped out scratchily, my voice thick from the lack of water that had gone down my throat, my eyes barely staying open.

Everything was such a task these days.

"So what? Don't you want to live?" He spoke lowly, calmly, proving to my point further. Everyone that was held captive along with me were soldiers, not some dainty little submissive that watched the tone of their voices. We were soldiers dammit and we were loud and carefree and didn't care what rules we broke!

"I don't want to live unspoken." I murmured out, thumping back against the cell's wall, a part of me questioning if it was really worth all the trouble?

It's not like I'm going to be making some big change if I remain sober. They have me completely helpless, I'm bound to do what they ask me to. Maybe if I just eat at least the roaring subconscious will stop and settle and won't emotionally drain me anymore.

I pondered over my thoughts more and more, the idea of giving up sounding more and more tempting with each passing second and finally I slid up, moving towards the tub of water to satiate my thirst like I had three days ago with a few sips to survive.

But of course, I wasn't even able to do that either.

The coach rolled to a stop and we were ushered out before I could reach for the liquid, my plans of drinking from the tub of disappointments and becoming one myself halted to an abrupt stop. I made a motion to one of the guards to give me a moment, hoping he would understand the need of thirst and let me drink but the cruel fucker just laughed and yanked at my chains, causing me to fall face first in the sandy ground.

I groaned when the chain that had been wrapped around our necks was yanked, the order roughly made clear.

Kill me now.

I stumbled forward, using the last of strength to keep walking and almost cried in relief when they pushed us down on our knees, the idea of not having to stand more appealing than kneeling for someone.

Yeah, I need to get some energy in my body before I turn into the very thing I'm trying to avoid becoming.

I brushed the sand that was on my face away, trying to clear it out before it went in my eye or something and that was when I saw him again.

My mouth almost dropped open when I saw what he was wearing, the silver glimmering armor that covered his body seemingly made to fit his sculpted body, a beast of a sword hanging in its sheath on the left side of his armor, his stride oozing out confidence with every step he took.

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