Chapter - 25

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"This has been a fun trip for me Csilla. Thank you for extending our stay here." Smiling at the goddess of love as she stuffed a few more grapes in her mouth, I replied politely, wondering what my mate must be doing. "Thinking about him, are you?"

Grinning sheepishly I nodded, embarrassed by the knowing look she threw me, the news of our little spite having continued for the past week something she was very much aware of.

"I believe it is time I returned back up in the skies hun, this vacation, as fun as it has been, cannot continue for much longer. I have work and seems like so do you." I laughed softly, putting the manuscripts I was briefing through looking for a particular thing I needed, apologizing for being rude. "It's alright. I should leave. Goodbye Csilla. I might just visit you again soon. Expect me." I waved goodbye as she vanished, going down into the court room to get on with the royal affairs of the empire.

Utterly surprised when I did not find Cassius on the throne, I stepped up uncertainly, feeling weird without having him here. Despite the fight, he had not stopped making appearances with me, has he gotten that mad now?

Focusing on the task at hand as generals started up with their daily quotas, I let myself drown in the sea of work, letting the distraction whisk me away from my mind.

He did not make an appearance at all today.

He remained absent for the entire day.

Wondering where he was but not having courage to ask the guards about him, I sulked silently and made my way into the dining room for the royal buffet, knowing I would have to make an appearance if he wasn't, smiling tip lipped as I entered the room.

The subjects stood as I sauntered in, heads low to display respect, the aroma of the delicious food that surrounded the room enough to make me eager to eat and I quickly sat down, the others following and then we began eating, the musicians playing soft ballads in the corner to make the meal enjoyable for us but I barely paid attention, getting agitated as I felt something sinister from his side of the bond.

It felt cold and hot and sinister and pure all in one.

'Cassius?' I asked, not being able to take his silence anymore, waiting for some reply from his side, his lack of presence anywhere around me only worrying me more, the fact that he was somewhere I could not feel him despite my powers making the worst of my fears spike.

Had he gone to get his revenge?

Without even telling me?

Apprehension surrounding me, I ate little despite how wonderful the food was, the sound of metallic silverware scraping against the ceramic plates barely registering in my ear regardless of how much they still were a nuisance to my super sensitive hearing.

Anxious and regretful for having ever talked about his revenge with him, I made my way back to our room, desperately trying to look for a speck of him as far as I could, the empty results I received bothersome.

This was unacceptable! The least he could've done was at least tell me he was going to do whatever it was he had planned.

Maybe I should go up in the skies and-

He will murder you if you go up in the skies without his consent. What if that is not where he is?

Well he should not have just vanished in thin air!

I entered our room ready to gather a few weapons, the stark black in the room so dark that I had to switch to my beast's eyes to see around, the darkness unusual. The maids had already lighted the lamps outside in the corridors, why not-

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