Chapter - 11

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The coach rolled to a halt and it was clear we had reached, the one arm that had been around me now pulling me even more into him, wrapping both arms around me till I could feel every muscle of his press into my flesh.

"Hold your breath." I realized what he was about to do and my fingers curled around him instinctively, the feeling of being whirled into the speedy dimension always leaving me feeling weird.

I squealed lowly from the fearful rush the wind gave, the worry of what would come next eating me alive.

It won't be good, that's for sure.

The dark lord put me down when he had brought me wherever it was that he wanted me, the familiar room making me sigh. So no dungeon yet.

The door was thrown open before I could think too much, Adrastos and Thalia following in tow, the latter one now a little more feisty than before. Yeah that ain't gonna end well.

The dark lord was a talkative god. I think we all know that. He liked to toy, he liked to charm, he liked to manipulate his words into getting what he wanted. So his silence that was prevailing for so long as he stood in the room was unnerving. It felt unnatural.

I felt cold air nip my shoulder and was suddenly reminded of the loose cloth that left my shoulder bare and I hurried to cover myself up, blushing at my thoughtlessness.

"I'm going to give you one wish Csilla. One wish. Ask for whatever you want and I will grant it to you. But I will be downright cruel for the leftover aspects. Go ahead." I looked at him in disbelief, the words he had spoken leaving me conflicted and questioning, my sorrowful eyes looking for something. Anything. The abrupt words that left him too heavy with promise.

I caught Thalia's eyes, her own wide with the weird order his majesty had given, the answer forming in my head as I looked at the drained looking woman who was so unlike herself right now.

It was an obvious choice. A very draining, mentally exhausting one, but an obvious one.

"Forgive Thalia. Forgive her for everything she's done for me and return her title back to her." I murmured, looking up at the god who was staring at me as if I was stupid for the words I had uttered, the gasp of outrage that came from the woman warming my heart.

"What? NO! Your majesty-"

"Thalia you are hereby reassigned your title of my general, you return to your duties as usual from tomorrow. Return to your old chambers and do not utter a single word unless you want me to kill the human right here, right now." Thalia gave me a narrowed look, her eyes screaming at me to take back my words and I looked away, my eyes closing as the burden I had been carrying of ruining my one friend's life was lifted.

The tears that had dried now returned as the fact that I was going to face the monster's merciless, vicious side hit me.

The next I opened my eyes we were the only two in the room, Adrastos having left with Thalia to announce the changes, leaving me to deal with the dark lord's vicious side.

I whimpered when he towered over me a moment later and now inches from me, the fear and the defeat too much to bare, my entire body shaking when he leaned forward just barely, no courage left in me to even dare to meet his eyes.

"Bare your throat." He growled out, the deeper vibrations of his words making my knees falter but I quickly complied, throwing my face up to the roof, straining my neck, hoping if I followed what he said he'd just a little less cruel than he intended to be. I felt my knees give away when his nose skimmed up my neck and I fell with a yelp, only to find myself pulled flush against the man, his hold around my waist so tight that I felt he would snap my spine in half. "Go shower. You reek."

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