Chapter - 9

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Seasons passed by in a whirl of Thalia, Adrastos and the dark lord, the spring turning to summer, the summer into monsoon and the monsoon into autumn, the time flying by.

I was currently outside in a balcony garden that had the most exotic little plants blooming flowers despite the autumn air blowing by; my mind away to the distant lands that I was no longer in, the fact I was missing my brothers' birthday saddening me with every whisper the red and yellow leaves made, reminding of the season.

"Stella. Why do you look so glum?" I smiled sadly, my lips curling back in my mouth to form a pitiful smile, trying to get rid of the tears that were threatening to make way.

"It's autumn." I whispered softly, turning back to look down the vast lands, sighing when Thalia rested her hand on my shoulder in comfort. "It's my brothers' birthday. It's just hard to deal with the fact that I'll never see them again. I miss them so much." I murmured in a throaty voice, clearing my throat to rid myself of the clogging.

We stayed silent for what felt like forever, me silently trying to get out of the down I had put myself in, Thalia just being herself and supporting me.

"What if I told you there was a way you could see them?" She suddenly whispered, the tone uncertain and fearful, telling me she was dead serious. I jerked away from her touch, my eyes wide with hope.

I turned to face her, trying to decipher the look on her face to see if she was pulling my leg, looking at her like I hadn't even looked at the gods with.

Was there really? Could I see them again?

"What do you mean? His majesty would never let me." I murmured sadly, reminded of the reign the god had over my life all too bitterly.

"Lock the doors. I'll teleport us there. But you cannot tell anyone. Seriously Csilla, his majesty will kill me if he realizes what I'm about to do. You have to promise me you won't utter a word of it to anyone. We can do a brief visit. We cannot have anyone notice our absence. We can't be gone too long. What do you say? Do you want to see your family?"

Of course I did.

"Yes. Yes, I really do. Thalia, if you're joking with me I-" She cut me off with a knowing smile, telling me to lock the door which I did with quickness that was similar to the god's superspeed, standing by the witch with an eager, almost desperate look on my face.

"Hold my hand. This may leave you a little dizzy." I nodded, taking her hands in mine and shutting my eyes, thinking of all the things I would tell my family if I actually got to see them.

Thalia's voice was a murmur as she chanted to herself, the air around us suddenly speeding up till it felt like a storm, her chanting growing louder and louder with each passing second, overwhelming to hear by the end.

And then, just as suddenly as it all started, it was over.

I opened my eyes fearfully, fear of the disappointment I would face if we were still in the four walls of the palace and Thalia was laughing at me for being such a naïve person, but all those thoughts came to an abrupt end when I took the first peek.

I let out an earth-shaking wail.

I was really back home. I was in my dingy old room, the most beautiful room I could ever live in.

I looked at the drained looking woman who had a soft smile on her face and threw my arms around her, weeping quietly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll forever be grateful to you for this Thalia. Thank you so so much! How can I ever repay you?" I asked in utter shock, my hands around her tightening, hoping I could show her just how much this meant.

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