Chapter - 16

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Seated in the king's much larger palanquin as we rode towards the last area we were touring, I was engaged in an intense game of cards while the god munched on some kiwis and berries.

He dropped the cards in his hands, showing the full house with a grand look on his face, a frustrated sigh leaving me. He has been winning for the past half an hour. Gathering the cards, I shuffled, glaring at the smug looking man. He had to be cheating.

"Stop cheating! You cannot possibly win every game!" I muttered, giving him his share of cards.

He won. Again!

"Little human, you are horrible at this game." He mused as he laid back against his cushion with prime satisfaction, taking the cards and shuffling them. "Another game loser?" I bared my teeth at him, showing him just how I appreciated his mockery.

"We're almost here." I lifted the curtains when I heard the faraway shout of a soldier, the glare of the sun harsh when I opened it, the afternoon horribly hot.

Spring was not supposed to be this hot. But then again, it was almost ending.

I frowned when I saw the dead looking grounds, the soil beneath us dark black, ashes of whatever must be burning somewhere in the air as the hot wind blew. This was a stark contrast from the rest of his empire. The place looked like what we humans had thought his entire land to be like.

I settled back in, asking the god why the place seemed so barren and lifeless.

"The goblins aren't very fond of all things alive. I let them exist as they wish because otherwise they riot and harm the other towns. I secluded them centuries ago so that they could exist in solitude. The closest town was the one we were just at." Goblins!? We were going into a city of bloody goblins!? "They won't harm you human, no need to seem so frightened."

I wasn't even aware I was showing it.

"Anything I should know of? How long are we staying here for?" I asked, putting the cards he gave into a corner.

"There's nothing more to say. You've read of them. Three days. Then we return. Another 10 days journey and we'll be back at the palace." I nodded, anxious when out little troop stopped and mounted the horses that would take us through the town roads and towards the castle.

I looked around as we rode, the lifelessness unsettling, so much so that I could feel shivers run down my spine every once a while, the silent manner the pointy eared, green giants greeted their king by kneeling a distinctive change from the earlier encounters.

I looked ahead at the castle that was mounted on top of the small hill like structure, confused when I saw another similar building just a few miles to its right.

The castles looked intimidating from a distance, but they appeared downright scary when seen up close. The dark, deep black that coated the entire building screamed trouble, the metalwork and designs that usually decorated a castle made out to be sculptures of horrifying mystical creatures, be it a roaring beast, a snarling wolf of just pointy deathly looking soldiers. My nerves weren't settled even when we were inside, the inside just as gloomy, dark and downright terrifying as the outside.

We were led around by a bunch of tall goblins who were so tall that their heights almost matched the god himself, their skin a murky green and seemingly slimy. I stayed by Thalia, not wanting to let myself be known by being around Adrastos or the king, talking to her in hushed tones as we were directed to our rooms.

The god turned back while talking to a goblin that seemed to be in charge, beckoning me with his fingers silently, order to get beside him clear.

Sometimes, I really felt like not following his orders.

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