Chapter - 14

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Being a king was fucking hard.

Let me just state that. The past three months had passed in a whirlwind of travelling through the cosmic empire of the god, the private space I had been given in the wooden enclosed room my peaceful sanctuary, the area just enough to let me lie down curled up during the nights, the elephant my little enclosed space was on moving too quick for it to be normal.

I do not think I'll ever understand mystical creatures.

We stopped abruptly and I drew the curtains that shielded me from the sun slightly open, groaning when I saw we had arrived to the next city-state.

The lords and the elite classes at whose houses we stayed the nights were so boring and so stupid that I had newfound respect for the king who always had a charming smile on his face while establishing diplomatic relations all over his empire, his pleasant talks never depicting just how appalled and annoyed he might be by the people.

I would have murdered a few dozen people if I were him.

The elephant lowered itself on its front legs like it always did and I sighed in exasperation, not in the mood to hear a bunch of good for nothing lords brag about what they had done for the state and the stupid nonsense they showcased to their king in hopes of getting rewards from his majesty.


"Come along now little human, and wipe that scowl off your face." I scowled deeper as the said king moved past me and jumped out of the wooden enclosed area, bending my knees as my feet touched the ground to pace myself.

"Who are we meeting today your majesty?" I asked as I caught up to him, my eyes trailing behind his back as I asked this, the tautness of his muscles so clear that even his attire didn't hide it. Someone didn't seem very excited to meet whoever this was.

"A vampire lord. Kharish is his name. The manor he resides in only has vampires Csilla. Do not wander around alone." I shivered, the implications of his words obvious. Vampires fed on human blood. I would be a walking treat in a manor full of hungry dogs.

"Yes your majesty." I shifted to walk closer to him, the action coming natural to me that I did not even think twice of it. I looked around at the stillness of the slum area that we were walking through, the curtains that hid the people in their homes drawn just barely to catch a glimpse but unlike other towns or cities, no one came out to greet the king into their town. ne

I caught movement in one of the windows and looked in, the child that was staring back scampering away with a frightened look on his face the second I looked.

Why were they so scared of their king and his subjects?

"What creatures are these?" I found myself asking, confused because of their natural appearance, it gave away nothing about who they were. "Why do they appear to be so frightened of you?"

A low distinctive noise came from the throat of the god and he turned to glance at me a moment. "Humans. They're humans little one." A gasp of surprise left me and I looked around, curtains shutting the second I looked into a house. "Do I bother saying why they seem scared?" I shook my head no. I can gather a clue myself.

"A-Are they here for the s-sole purpose of-"

"No. Nothing of the sort. I am not that inhumane. The vampire knows his boundaries." I nodded uncertainly. Somehow I did not believe that.

"How do you have humans in your kingdom? I do not understand." I questioned, my brows furrowed in genuine curiosity. He ruled the creatures of darkness, we were the creatures of light. What were humans doing in this empire?

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