Chapter - 26

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"Fix it. Now." Snarling at the man-whore god may not be smartest thing I did, but I was furious. People were suffering. MY people were suffering. "I will not ask again, fix the damn mess you've caused on our lands. You do not have any right to meddle in the dark empire. It does not belong to you." Glaring at the pepper haired almond skinned man when he shot me a look that spoke volumes, I bared my teeth in warning, telling him to stop messing around.

"And if I do not? Who are you to order me to do anything? You're nothing but an ignorant peasant girl who got lucky. Hollow's empire is his responsibility. It is not my fault he does not know how to rule." He fucking did not.

He smirked when he saw he had managed to get under my skin, my beast itching to rip his throat out but I held her back, my talons digging into my skin from how angry that one statement had gotten me. "And yet he managed to bring you all down to your knees and rule, did he not oh so mighty titan? Tell me, what does loosing feel like? You're sitting on that throne and wearing that crown because he has decided to let you for now, not because you own it. My mate owns your ass darling, show a little respect when you talk to me."

Grinning, I ran my tongue over my canines just to show him how much I enjoyed playing that card over him, smirking as he started getting angry, the weather out of the wall-less building we were under getting worse along with his mood, the thundering and lightening filling the bright sky. "Also- this ignorant peasant knows various possible ways of just how I can tear you apart. Again- show a bit of respect."

The threat threw him out of his head and he hollered for his guards, the minions around us no more than ten seconds later, my grin widening as I saw how winded I had got the king of the skies to be.

Cassius would be proud.

"Apologize to me right now. Or I will have you captured and executed on official grounds of having threatened me." He thundered in a what I wanted to believe was a menacing tone, but after having seen Cassius' viciousness, his seemed like a child's play.

Eyes narrowed at his order, I changed my stance to commanding as well, jutting my chin out in a royal manner I had always seen my mate do. "You go first. You belittled me first, which made me threaten you. It should be you that should be apologizing to me Zeus, so go ahead and then I will if I am in the mood." I heard the goddess that was his wife gasp as she appeared beside her husband the second she saw me, the woman's eyes widening as she glanced around at the guards that were surrounding me, their weapons out already.

Aw but we were just starting.

"Zeus what are you doing!? He'll kill us all if we harm her." The goddess wisely hissed as if not wanting me to hear and a part of me wondered if she thought she actually believed that I could not, the smirk on my face not wavering at all as I whistled crudely to mock the god, shooting the asshole a sugary sweet smile that he and I both knew was meant to be taunting.

"Well Zeus? An apology? I am still waiting. Oh and get the work done, will you? It will be a shame to have Cassius be brought up here just to address the petty pathetic attempt of a sabotage that you have started, he has a lot of work and he will not be... let's say pleased to be disturbed for something so trivial." The beast cackled at the fuming expression fitted across the deity's face, patting me on my figurative back, apparently proud.

Zeus seemed ready to burst. The disrespect was something he was not used to it seems. Well, he better get used to it. He shut the goddess that was trying to calm her and yelled in what I think he meant to be in a murderous way, "Seize her!"

Aha! Checkmate.

Shackles clamped down on me seconds later in which I could have easily vanished away, the guards of the deities far too slow for me but I stayed still, calmly wondering what else he would do after having his ego bruised.

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