Chapter - 22

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"How should I dress?" I muttered frustrated as I clawed through my closet in distaste, grumbling at the 'mate' that was sitting on the bed with an amused smirk at my new behavior.

Clearly, having the beast was affecting me.

"Take a relaxing bath. I have already asked the maids to get the attire we will be wearing." I nodded after shooting him a withering look hoping he would shrivel and die while another part of me felt heat turn up through my body the more I looked at him.

Ugh stupid bipolar urges!

"Oh and Csilla?" I turned halfway, expectantly staring at the man, propping my fist on my hip and then yelping when I heard a loud crack, the pain of bone breaking barely more than a small tingle and I brought my hand up to look at it, seeing the finger snap back in place. "Careful! There's a lot of power there. Remember, the key is to be gentle." He scolded, playing with my fingers to check for any permanent damage, a frown marring his face that did not sit well with me, my other hand involuntarily going to soothe the crease out.

"Control how much you wish to feel. It will be pretty overwhelming otherwise." I had not understood what he meant at first, but I did the second I entered the bathroom.

The scent of musky products and rose petals and various scented oils was so much that I coughed and ran back out, a helpless hand pointing towards the space I had just gotten out with a narrowed look at the god, order to help me clear. "It depends on you how much and what you wish to smell or hear, concentrate on trying to dissolve unwanted senses. Ask your creature, it will help you better."

Closing my eyes, I nudged the bored looking beast up, mumbling the question to her to ask for help.

The change, to be completely honest, was immediate.

The constant ringing of noises, be it vessels clanking, swords whooshing, gun-shots firing or people training and so many more slowly or be it the over-powering smell of sweat, wood, fabric, metal and many other items became almost non-existent but still present, just a little out of reach, almost as if I could beckon them back whenever I wished which I knew I could.

So what did we learn today Csilla?

Communication is the key. The answers to problem were already known to the beast. Just have to ask.

"Exactly my little one. Now go and get out of the dress that I cannot look at you in anymore without wanting to rip it off you." My eyes bulged out of my head at how crude of a remark that was, the beast in me howling and smirking, telling me to strip and give him a show which I promptly crushed and ran back in, deciding to ignore the image of the god with dark lustful eyes that had stared at me when the thought ran through my mind.

I stayed in the bathing area for a long while and then gawked at the mirror when I went to dry myself, my spine that had once had a long angry scar running its course diagonally now no longer present.

Holy moly! Not just that, there were no scars anywhere on me. There were no traces of knife cuts or blemishes that I had once had, my skin as smooth as it could get.

My eyes flashed, pulsed for a moment and I felt the air shift, the indication of the god coming in here clear and I slipped the nearby robe on with the same speed as he was coming in, surprised by how slow everything else felt around me.


I had speed similar to him.


I twirled just in time for him to loom over me, his frame still much, much larger than mine, making me glance up at him with questioning eyes as to why he was here? Privacy was a thing.

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