Chapter - 32

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Every member of my family had always held extreme different ideologies and beliefs. My father was the optimistic one, despite the horrors he had seen during his time serving as a soldier. The man always believed that after certain amount of hardship- good days were bound to come and that no one could ever ruin the days you had well earned.

A believer. He had always been a believer of hope. He believed that happier times always lasted till you intentionally or unintentionally went looking for bad ones.

My mother on the other hand was realistic. To her- life could never be happy and sunshine and confetti flying around or roses showered down on you. She believed in little moments of happiness that although came, would fade into long periods of sadness and grief and sorrow, the feeling inevitable no matter how much you try to avoid it.

She believed that changes- mostly from happy to sad were the only constant.

I had always tried to be like my father. I had always listened with a smile on my face when he fed me hope that all bad things always come to an end.

Those were some of my fondest times with him even.

It was cruel how things, how circumstances can change your beliefs so quickly, so suddenly.

I had never worried about lacking a moment with Cassius. We had lifetimes together after all. Why would I ever beg for a single more moment?

But that was all I could scream for as I clutched the pale body of the man that told me he was immortal. I screamed and screamed as I shook the unresponsive man, shaking him, hitting him for some response that would tell me that the nightmare I was living was just a nightmare and not reality.

"He's gone Csilla. It's no use." Snarling at the creator, I hissed in warning, patting Cassius' cheek repeatedly, calling out his name over and over and over again, barely mindful of the crowd of deities that was surrounding me.

I hunched over and buried myself into his chest, the beast in me howling from the pain of the connection now lost, the thread binding us to him broken because he was no longer with us, no longer alive like we were.

He had left me a forever in his death.

"No! Please, Cassius please. Please, wake up. Please, I'm begging you." I repeated the words like a broken vinyl as I stared at the lifeless face whose eyes were clamped shut, begging to everything known that I could see the tantalizing blue on me one more time, feel anything- his anger, his wrath, his touch, his love, anything at all for just one bare second.

My eyes fell onto the sword that was coated with his blood, the scent of the woman I was promised would never return prominent as the night that was the dark sky above us, the reign of the terror signaled as thunder rippled the open night sky.

The sudden gleam of vengeance peaked the more her smell drifted into my nose as she established her reign over the lands that only belonged to one man, fury striking roots in me as I witnessed her taking over all that belonged to the cold man in my arms.

Mourning will wait. First comes revenge.

I howled, louder and angry and sad and commanding as the threat of me coming for her rippled through the air, a large portal opening and tearing open the windy atmosphere as the army of our empire emerged through it.

The sight of Adrastos staring straight at me with tears in his eyes made me sob loudly before I collected myself, the sword that had taken the life out of my mate gripped in my hand as I stared at the hundreds of thousands of warriors that looked at me, lost and grieving.

"We fight to death for the great king we lost, we kill and bring mayhem to all that played a part in this. Are you with me?" I yelled out angrily, the beast taking control as I shifted into her halfway, my mouth changing into the deadly snout that was ready to tear out anyone and everyone that came my way, my fingers holding deadly talons as they cut into my palm, the smell of my blood enough to cause my army to shout for revenge.

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