Chapter - 15

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"Why did we stop?" I groaned, my voice etched with the remnants of sleep, the dark night not allowing me to see much at all, the question asked to no one in particular as I grumbled annoyed.

"Come with me. We're stopping for the night." Hopping down my ride, I pet the giant creature with affection as I waited for his majesty to be done talking to a few of his people, the giant elephant calmly sitting as I pet him, it's body hair itchy and scratchy to touch when I moved my hand lightly.

The animal suddenly let out a low sound that made me jump back, its sudden movements when he shook his head left and right almost frantically making me wonder what had went wrong.

"Shh." The soothing tones of none other than the king silenced the suddenly crazed animal, his palm flattening over its forehead for a moment before the creature was calmed down. What the hell happened to the gentle thing all of a sudden? "An elephant would be a prey of the creature that rests in me. The animal in her sensed the animal in mine. It was just acting out of fear little human." The god graciously provided as if sensing my thoughts, his hand resting on the back of my spine to guide me away from the animal and wherever it was he wished to take me.

His hands suddenly picked me from my waist and he shot me an expectant look before I could curse at him for being so crude in front of people all of a sudden, closing my eyes and tightening my grip on his robes to hold on, sucking in a deep breath of air.

I really hate super speed.

I buried my face into the crook of his neck when he suddenly flashed, fingers digging into his back and shoulder, not liking the terrifying feeling. Just as quick as he had moved he stopped, putting me down but not moving his hand, preventing me from falling.

"I don't like it when you do that." I grumbled as I stepped away, rolling my eyes when he chuckled. "Where are we?" I asked as I took in the scene in front of me, my eyebrows furrowing when I saw literally nothing but trees in front of me. "Is this the part where you kill me?" I joked, scanning the dense forest in front of me before I looked at him with a jesting face, doing a double take when he looked at me with a serious guilty look on his face.

He was playing me. Right?

I narrowed my eyes, still not taking him seriously, even when he revealed his talons with a vicious slicing noise that travelled in the air and I looked at him with a deadpanned expression, my hands coming up to my chest as I tapped my foot impatiently for him to be done.

I didn't even move when he flashed in front of me and gripped my throat with one hand and my hair with another. He liked to take his jokes to a point where it wasn't funny anymore.

I gulped when the nail dug in slowly, a brief flash of uncertainty popping in my mind for a moment when I felt a trickle of blood escape my cheek, the talon scraping my skin but it wasn't hurtful yet. Still, I kept his eye and believed he was only trying to scare me.

"You're a bloody idiot." The god muttered, the jest lost from his voice as he frowned down at me, wiping the trail of blood easily, stepping away.

"Why? Because I know what you could do and what you won't?" I muttered back as I rolled my eyes, wiping the ticklish trail that was appearing again, not even mad at him. He just has to win.

"Have survival skills absolutely left you human? Here I am, a dangerous predator that basically told you I am going to kill you and you don't even bother fighting? Is that how weak you've grown?" Yeah that was enough.

I walked up to him and glared up at him, the chest to face ratio of height difference making me less intimidating while he glared back at me, somehow annoyed now.

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