Dragon Raid

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"That's amazing" Hiccup gasped as he and you sat in your father's lap as he told you the tale of how he killed his first dragon when he was a mere baby.

"Was it really that big!?" you shouted, making him wince as you screamed into his ear.

"Aye, it twas" He answered shoving his pinkie in his ear to clear any wax to return some semblance of hearing.

"That sounds so amazing I would love to see a dragon up close one day " Hiccup said looking out the window as if one would appear. You and hiccup were only 7 and so naturally when dragon attacks did happen you were the first into the great hall for protection, and you tended to forget why you were there and what was happening.

Stoick's expression hardened as he straightened himself making him seem hulking, even as he was sitting, "Do not ask for such things son, it's bad luck. There is not a day I do not beg Odin to spare you two from ever having to see a dragon let alone be close to one!" Hiccup flinched shrinking back at his father's harsh tone. Stoick sighed "But that is not the world we live in; the time will come when you have to face those scaled demons" he said with a sneer. "And when that day comes, I want you to be ready". You straightened out your back and nodded your head quickly, you loved your father and always looked up to him. To you he was a caring father a strong leader, and a caring protector. You had always wanted to be like him. "Alright now time for bed" Hiccup yawned nodding his head jumping down from your father's lap walking towards his bed. Your father instead lifted you up and carried you to yours, "Get some sleep" He said blowing out the larger candle in the room leaving only a smaller one in-between yours and Hiccups bed "In YOUR bed, Y/N" he said sending a look back at you. Within a matter of seconds once your father left the room you got out of bed and climbed into Hiccups, "Night" you said snuggling into his side, it was fine with him as he was used to you both sleeping together. "Night".

You were awakened by the sound of screams and Gobber bursting into the room, "HICCUP!!! Y/N!!! UP NOW!" he shouted as a bright flash of light ran past the window. Hiccup fell out of the bed startled in a half sleep daze. "Your father sent me to get you!" Gobber picked up Hiccup throwing him over his shoulder then grabbing you and pulling you towards the door. 

You tripped over your feet as you tried to keep up with Gobber, your wrist still held tightly by Gobber. It was soon released however, pushing you behind him, as he quickly drew his sword. 

This was the first time you saw a dragon. It was a hulking red Beast with long pointed horns, you'd later learn was a monstrous nightmare. Gobber shrugged off Hiccup. It quickly evaded the attack and in return swung its massive tail, leaving him prone. "Run!!! GET TO THE GREAT HALL!" Gobber continued to fight the dragon on his back using his axe to push back its large claw, using his foot to kick a small hand knife no bigger than a butter knife but to you filled both your hands. "Come on let's go!" Hiccup said pulling your arm.

Upon second look you saw how much chaos there was. You and Hiccup ran for the great hall, nearly being rammed into by a swarm of gronckles flying through the street towards a group of your fellow berkians, all adorned in armor wielding axes. You gripped Hiccups sleeve and pulled him to hide in-between two huts forming a small street. The group of Vikings charged at the swarm. You both curled into each other shaking at the sight of blood and violence. Hiccup soon covering your eyes as he buried his face in your shoulder. After a few minutes the screams somewhat lessened as it seemed the battle shifted farther away. 

Y/N's P.O.V

Hiccup's face stayed buried in my shoulder while we clutched on to each other.  We were told stories of the great battles between Viking and dragons, but no one had ever told them about the blood and fear. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a gurgle like growl. Keeping one arm wrapped around Hiccup while the other gripped the knife I held next to my chest. I watched the end of the street where I saw a green dragon with bright orange lining on its back. Compared to the other dragons the adults were fighting this one was small and puny. But to me this dragon was nearly my size. "Hiccup don't open your eyes" Hiccup began to shake as he squeezed his eyes tighter. I watched as the demon monster crept towards you. "Stay...Stay..Sta-AAAh" the dragon pounced at us and on instinct I put my hands up to black my face, shutting my eyes. I was startled when the dragon made a sharp painful howl. I opened my eyes to see the knife stuck in the beast's stomach. It flinched a few times before it gave its final breath now dead on your right leg. "Woah" Hiccup had opened his eyes and turned to you in astonishment. 

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