New Friends

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Narrator P.O.V

The meeting ran loud in the berserker court. Being filled to the brim with what civilized individuals would call barbarians, and a chief so over it, to the point he nearly agrees to anything within reason, he's been named after it.

"Quiet!" Oswald/the chief roared. Silence spread through out the hall with the exception of the small ginger haired haired boy sitting at his feet snickering.

"On with the most recent events" he waved to the herald, to read on.

"The yearly swarm of Deadly Natters have seemed to have veered off course due to the storm from the west" .

"Good, that means we won't have to worry about being gone during a raid on our trip to Berk ". The small boy raised his eyebrows at that, he had never gone to Berk before but had constantly heard of it. 

"Trade routes have already begun to change on the western currents as well, though they chose to go north to avoid the natters, So expect a delay in any shipments". 

"And in more related news to your meeting with Berk"  He continued, finally gaining the attention of the rest of the court, "It has recently been under attack from a dragon swarm". 

A number of berserkers gripped their weapons' in rage, while other than being at peace the two clans were independent of one another, there was always one thing they would always share. Their hate of dragons. 

"Where there any casualties" Oswald asked.

"Thankfully no, a few injured but none dead" An unspoken breath of relief escaped the room. "Good, did any of their youth earn their marks?".

A smile spread across the heralds face, "Five".

"Good, more Vikings willing to fight". Oswald said. The young boy smiled at the thought, 'Fighting a dragon, how fun'.

"And amongst those five is Stoick the vast's very own daughter".

"I was under the impression his children were younger than mine" The boys ears perked up as his grin dropped in to a emotionless appearance, with the exception of his eyes that narrowed on the herald.

"They are indeed". Berserkers now began to talk amongst themselves at the new information. Some about how it must be lies, others speaking about how their future chief was falling behind if she had done such a thing before him, others wondering how it happened. 

"Is she now?" Oswald leaned in a small almost nonexistent smile gracing his face.  

"The people have already begun to call her Y/N the Terror, and Y/N the defender".

Oswald remained silent for a few moments before finally speaking, "Dagur" The boy turned to Oswald, "I think your old enough to accompany me to Berk now". Dagur's Face twisted into a deranged grin before turning into an cold scowl then relaxing. A number of Berserkers were off put by it, but his father appeared unbothered. 

Stoick P.O.V

I looked down at the belt that lay on the table in front of me "That time of year again". The signing of the peace treaty between Berk and the Berserkers was soon approaching, them likely to arrive in three or four weeks time. With a recent rise in the number of dragon raids on both Berk and Berserk, tensions were high. Both Clans being a single meeting away from turning on one another. 

"Ugh, this is going to be a mess-" "What is?" I turned to see Y/N peeking her head  in from the doorway. "Nothing lass, just grown up problems".

Y/N walked over to me taking a few seconds to struggle getting onto a stool next to me. She was taller than her brother, and most of the other children her age, likely a trait from me, but none the less still small when compared to my furniture.

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