Just Perfect

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Yay! longer chapter and a faster update! I'm finally getting into a better headspace and am enjoying writing again.

Thanks for reading. Also, for anyone interested in AOT, check out my mafia Erwin Fic.

"Tuffnut! * ACHOOO! *" you scream at the blond as the poor Gronkle you were trying treat's rash was interrupted by Ruff and Tuff's prank, replacing your herbs with weeds that triggered your allergies. It's been three years since the war with the Berserkers and a lot has changed. Snotlout is working at the armory, the twins much to everyone's chagrin have pledged themselves to Loki, Fishlegs is a history teacher now, Astrid has told you she plans to join the Berk guard. The atter being something she has yet to tell Hiccup, which left slightly anxious to see how he would react. You had continued your training under Gothi and finished your studying of human medicine. Beyond that, you were learning and inventing medicine and cures for dragons, as well as documenting dragon behavior with Fishlegs. You had even managed to train Scabbard to be a sort of emotional help assistant, helping to calm both human and dragon patients (and even yourself on rough days).  

It seemed like everyone in the group had found their place in the world, all that is, except for Hiccup. You loved your brother, but at the end of the day you had new responsibilities.  You could see that he was struggling to keep the group together. In the beginning, once the war had finished, you and the others had explored every corner of the archipelago and found every known dragon to ever exist. Hiccup still believed there were more dragons out there but with no signs for years, everyone just sort of moved on, all but Hiccup that is. You were worried how the only group member that still went looking with him (Astrid) leaving would affect him. 

Wiping your nose and eyes you walked home, calling it quits after the twins' stunt left you puffy eyed and pink nosed. Placing your satchel on the table you stretched out the tension built throughout the day. When the sound of the door opening caught your attention, you didn't need to look to know it was your brother. "Hey Hiccup, how was your day?".

"Yeah yeah fine" he said quiet and defeated making you stop your stretching to watch his slightly hunched over form march to his room with Toothless in tow. Silver Tongue let out an almost questioning coo laced with his regular sour attitude. "I'm not sure bud".

"Hiccup, is everything alright?" you ask knocking on his door. "Yeah, just a long day" the tone of his voice made it obvious that it was a lie, but you didn't want to push it. "Ok... Is it ok if Scabbard sleeps with you. She's a bit upset with Silver Tongue right now, I think she could use some space" the room remained quiet until the door cracked open just wide enough for a small dragon to crawl through. On cue, Scabbard scrambled through, ready to put her newfound skills to the test. "Atta girl. Come on Silver Tongue, let's go to bed" you turned only to see that he had left for your room a while ago. "You suck" you sigh.

The next day was made up of finding and sorting all the herbs the twins had replaced and hidden around Berk. "Y/N!" you heard Astrid call for you as you were half inside a barrel trying to reach the bundle of cloves Ruffnut had no doubt hidden there "Yeah?".

"We have an emergency". You pull yourself out and dust your hands on your apron. "What is it. Did the dragons eat something?".

"I need you to promise you're not going to freak out" Astrids request made you uneasy. "Ok?" Astrid took a deep breath and looked you in the eye, "Dagur escaped outcast Island". Your stomach sank as you were hit by a wave of dread. Dagur was free? As in, roaming the archipelago to do whatever he wants? 

"Y/N, breathe" you hadn't noticed you were holding your breath until Astrid put her hand on your shoulder. You thought everything was over, that you wouldn't need to think about that man and his stupid face ever again. Scabbard was quick to jump into action, crawling up onto your shoulder and purring while filling your ears with the sounds of strong steady breaths for you to copy. "Are you ok?" Astrid asks hand on your back, to which you nod. 

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