Happy Hunting

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Hi everyone, I'm happy to say since summer is nearly here chapters should start to come out more frequently, or at least be higher quality, I'm also happy to say I really enjoyed this one. Rewatching Riders of Berk reminded me of what drew me to his character in the first place, especially when compared to his character growth in RTTE. Enjoy the chapter! 


Narrator POV

You frowned as Silvertongue huffed for the umpteenth time. He had become more protective and clingier since his first encounter with Dagur, and even more so from the events with Alvin. "Cmon' bud, I'll be fine. Besides Tuffnut will be with you" it did little to sooth him. You and the other riders were currently on the beach of dragon island thanks to a 'genius' training exercise thought up by Astrid. 

Tuffnut was exaggerating his 'connection' to the dragons so he could skip out on the exercise, "Y/N, you have my word, I will treat Goldtooth like my own daughter" he said dramatically, placing a hand on his wing only to quickly withdraw it with a growl from Silvertongue. You raised a brow at him "It's Silvertongue, and he's a boy". After grabbing your empty satchel from Silvertongue (the only gear you were allowed, so you could gather any herbs for medicine), you said your final goodbyes and split up to make camp and cross the island.

It was dark with only the moon to light your way through the islands forest. You continued to wander until you found an open clearing: open enough so you'd be able to see danger and surrounded by tall trees to hide under, not too many herbs, but it would do, and clear of any clouds large and dark enough to pose the threat of rain, "Seems as good a place as any". 

Hiccup had expected to scold Snotlout for his lack of stealth when he walked into the small campsite. He was not expecting a deranged Dagur to tackle him to the ground. 

"Dagur!" he was lifted into the air. "Hiccup old friend! You're alive!" Dagur pulled him into a hug. "Oh yeah- Haven't seen you since-" "Since you saved me from that dragon attack back on Berk. You fought off" his grin widened, "A night fury" Hiccup swallowed nervously.

"I mean you were like" Dagur fawned as he made sound effects while swinging his sword [Authors note, sorry I just had to point out how adorable this scene was]. "And then Y/N told me to run, and I was like: NO!" he said, face contorting angrily at the end before softening as he continued. "But then she got all assertive and-" Hiccup suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable when Dagur paused, and he noticed Dagur's cheeks turning pink, and his smile become dopey. All at once though Dagur seemed to realize, "How is Y/N? Is she safe?" He grabbed Hiccup's shoulders ignoring his personal space, but hey, that wasn't new.

"Y/N? Y-yeah, she's fine" Dagur sighed releasing Hiccup. "Good. I mean- I knew she'd make it but-" he paused before his gaze narrowed at Hiccup. "So, what are you doing here?" He pointed his sword at Hiccup making him retreat slowly. 

"Don't answer that. I know exactly what you're doing" Dagur said before Hiccup could speak.

"You do?"

"Oh yeah, I do. You're here for the exact same reason I am, Hiccup. You're here to hunt dragons" Hiccup blanked out for a second, 'well, that's not what I thought you were going to say but sure'. "Ok- You got me. That's what I'm here for, all by myself" Dagur lowered his sword before getting closer to Hiccup. "So, whatever happened to that night fury, Hiccup?".

"Oh yeah well, just- Bad news, it got away". "Thats great news Dagur said shaking Hiccup before wrapping his arm around Hiccup. "New plan: you and I are going to hunt the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. We're going to take down that night fury once and for all". 

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