Dragon Training

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Hi everyone, just wanted to take a moment to once again apologize for the grammar and spelling of the last chapter. I was rereading it today and... oh boy. I was planning on waiting till I came back from my camping trip and having it looked over before posting it but, meh.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Narrator POV

You ducked, avoiding the axe aimed at your head. You and Astrid were training back at the cliffs the day after the raid. Your father had called a meeting, leaving the village mostly empty. Hiccup had disappeared, you didn't blame him after last night, it was probably best he laid low for a bit until things cooled down. You had woken up this morning to ask Astrid to spar, the majority of your anger gone from the night before. You swept your leg under her feet, knocking her down. She in turn launcher herself back up, using her momentum to swing her axe down at full speed. 

"You're off today" Astrid said, you had blocked the blow with your sword. "Just thinking" you said pivoting to the side, swinging only to be blocked. "Think on your own time" You and Astrid continued to trade blows until you eventually grew tired. 

"So" Astrid asked with her usual annoyed glare. 

"I guess my minds just been trailing off." Astrid looked unconvinced, "It's Hiccup". Astrid scoffed, retrieving her axe from the log she had thrown it at, "When is it not?". 

"Dragon training will be starting soon. I'll be too busy with that to keep an eye on him" you signed. "It's not your job" Astrid remarked. "He's my brother Astrid. It's my job to keep him safe".

"Thats his job. You've been doing his job forever! You're more of a chief than he is now! He's supposed to protect everyone, and he can't even protect himself!" You looked away from her trying to think. A few moments of silence. "You can't protect him forever", "...I know".  Astrid sighed and put her axe over her shoulder, "I'll see you later, ok?" you gave her a small yeah and a wave before you parted. 

As you were walking back towards your house you saw the large crowd of Vikings reentering the village, 'meeting must be out'. The house was empty, you dropped your sword on the table and stretched your neck. "What to do now" you sat at the table awkwardly tapping your fingers on the wood for a minute. Your mind began to drift, thinking of responsibilities, fears, a perfect world without dragons. Yeah, that last one seemed like a relaxing thing to think about, what would that world be like. Hiccup would be excepted for who he was, your father could relax, no one would have to fight. You could spend the rest of your days panic attack free, having fun, and living the rest of your life free with Dagur- you felt your face heat, and were thankful for the houses empty state. When had Dagur entered your mind!? And since when was being with him your perfect world!?

You jumped when you heard the front door open, coughing to hide the small squeak you had let out, and walking towards your room so whoever had entered wouldn't see your faces reddened state. You were just at your door when you heard your father "Y/N", franticly you rubbed your face, taking deep breathes trying to calm yourself.

"Dad! Hi!" you entered the kitchen refusing to make eye contact.

"Y/N" he sighed "Me and the others will be going on voyage" oh, that's what the meeting was about. "Gobber will be staying behind to lead dragon training" 'Tomorrow!? dragon training was tomorrow?' You knew your window of childhood peace was coming to an end, but you didn't think it would be this soon.

"I trust you to learn well, fight hard" he put a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to look at him, "And also. I need you to loosen your hold on your brother", where had that come from. "You'll find out why soon, but. He needs to learn on his own. Can you do that?". "Yes father" he smiled lightly, before chuckling, "Your face is pink", the color spread as you tore yourself from him speed walking to your room, "No it isn't!" embarrassment spread as you heard his laughter, closing your door. 

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