Family Feud

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Sorry for the wait guys! As recompence I give you an extra-long chapter! Enjoy!

"So, this is your workshop?" Heather looked around your room and the pile of papers, herbs, and pestles covering your desk. "Somewhat. Sorry for the mess, I didn't exactly have time to clean up" you said, gathering things off your desk. "It's nothing, really" she held up her hands with a smile, "I've been living camp to camp for these past few years, this is nothing".  

After convincing Heather to come back to the edge you had thought everything was going great. The others fawned over Windshear and Heathers newfound intensity. Or as Astrid liked to put it, 'hardcore'. Regardless, however, Hiccup insisted that he would still have to address why she was attacking ships. 

"Heather, we should probably talk" Hiccup approached her in the dragon pen, nearing sunset, "Sure. about what?". "About the ship that you and Windshear destroyed" Heather pet her dragon with a guilty expression, "Oh... That ship". "Heather, what are you doing out there?" your brother pushed. "I'm just taking care of business. It's nothing you need to worry about--" Hiccup interrupted, "Yeah, but I do worry about it, Heather. If dragons are attacking ships, I worry".

"Look, Hiccup, a lot has happened in the last few years. We're not kids anymore. Everything's. changed". Hiccup walked closer, "This can't be you, it can't be". Heather crossed her arms and avoided eye contact, "Well, it is now. The last time you saw me, I-- Never mind. If, if you want me to leave--", "I didn't say that. No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us. There's always another way". Heather pulled Hiccup into a hug, "You're so sweet. Thank you Hiccup. You've always been a great friend to me".

A sharp stabbing followed by large weight on your stomach stole you from your peaceful sleep. "OW what the--" blearing your eyes open you are met with large yellow eyes. "Silver Tongue, what are you doing?" you sigh, partly from relief as he steps down from your stomach. The sound of yelling from the clubhouse tells you enough. "Ugh, we can't have one normal day where nothing happens, can we?" You hop on one foot, struggling to put a boot on the other. 

"We trusted you" Snotlout says, not yelling, but irritation present on his tone. "Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur" Locking your wide eyes with Hiccup at the mention of your fianc-- Dagur, "I'll fill you in later".

"Trust does need to be earned with people and dragons" Fishlegs says sympathetically. "Thanks for understanding Fishlegs" Heather says tucking her hair behind her earning a fake gag from Tuff. "I don't really trust these guys either, Heather" Snotlout chimes in.

"You know we can hear you" Astrid says with a hand on her hip. "Jealousy in an ugly quality, Astrid. But clearly, I understand where it comes from" he says snidely, causing both you and Astrid to roll your eyes. "The point is, we have your back, Heather. You're one of us" Hiccup places a hand on her shoulder. 

"Yeah, I stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs" Fishlegs said, Snotlout quick to put a handout Infront of him. "And I made room for you in my hut". Both you and Astrid groaned in disgust at the thought of having to share a hut with Snotlout. "And I've made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut" Heather gave a smile of relief.

"Even though YOU were the rogue dragon rider, and YOU sabotaged our dragons, and YOU snuck away in the dark of the night. Wait, why do we like you again" Tuff said with his hands on his hips.  Heather put a hand to her chest, face sullen, "I'm truly sorry, Tuffnut".

"Woah! That was... sincere. What am I supposed to do with that?" he began to breathe heavily, "I'm feeling a bit flushed and overwhelmed. Little help here? People!". "And if you need any help with Windshear--" Snotlout was quick to interrupt Fishlegs, "Why don't I show you around the Edge? I'm basically chief". You roll your eyes at Snotlouts poor attempt at showboating. 

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