Couple's Quarrel

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LESGOOOOOO!!! Three updates in a month! Looks like we have a somewhat solid update schedule guy.... wonder how long until the burnout hits. Sorry if the chapter is a little shorter than usual, just wanted to get something out before school steals all my attention.

Dagur had grown a lot in the past three years, grown in madness, grown in delusion, but also in muscle and height. Two of which were currently on display as he towered over your laid out form, holding the dagger in his right, your ankle in his left. 

"How did you know about that" he spun the blade in his hand with ease relaxed and staring down at you. "Y/N, I have gone three years without so much as your voice. So, when I look at you, I take in everything" he slid the knife back into your boot, moving so he can lay on the bed next to you. Dagur shifted to wrap his arms around you, holding your side into his chest while he rests his chin on your head. It was awkward, at least for you it was. Dagur, content to bury his nose in your hair. As stiff as you were, you couldn't help but melt into the softness of the sheets. Who would have thought the chief of the Berserkers would be so diligent with keeping his linens clean. 

"Never say that, again unless you mean it" he said the word with venom as if cursing the very memory. Maybe saying that you and Dagur would never be together wasn't the best thing to do immediately after making him upset minutes earlier. But it was something that was in your mind, an unfortunate truth. Sure, a part of you still cared for Dagur and missed when you were able to be with him, but that was before the war. "I do mean it" Dagur released one of his hands around your waist to grip your chin to look at him. "Then say it" you remembered the last time he did this; made you challenge your feelings. It was a similar situation to this, just a different ship and a different time. 

You were a fool to think you would be able to face him alone. You had honestly believed you had trained yourself to deal with Dagur, no one could; he was wild and unpredictable. Your silence was answer enough for him it would seem, as he cupped the side of your face. "What can I do to make you forgive me".

"Leave my brother and Berk alone, forget the dragons, forget your revenge" Dagur seemed to think for a moment before releasing you and sitting up and walking to the center of the room. "My love, you know I can't do that" you sat up quickly to stare at him. "You say you love me" you asked. 

"I do!" his answer is instant a glimpse of his more deranged tone seeping through. "Then forget it all! If you love me, you'll leave them alone". Dagur's eyes turn wide, his pupils narrowed and crazy. His hands are suddenly gripping your arms, squishing them to your sides, as he looks down at you, insane. "I love you. I love you, and that's why I'm doing this" his grip tightens to the cusp of pain, but not quite. Uncomfortable and firm you can't move to gain distance from the now worked up Berserker, "As long as Hiccup is alive, he'll try to take you from me".

"Because you're crazy!" your arms were released and Dagur stepped back enraged. "You- you... AAAAGGGHH" Dagur spun around away from you, carding a hand through his hair, "I'm getting some air!" he yelled slamming the door as he exits. 

The faint sound of a scream and a splash told you that Dagur no doubt threw someone overboard, which made you feel a slight amount of guilt for the poor bystander that happened to cross his path after your argument. 

Dagur was upset, no, livid, to say the least. He understood that he had a habit of making rash and less thought-out decisions when it came to you. But they were always in your best interest. And you- You just had to be so well equipped to getting under his skin. He wasn't mad at you per say. No, he could never be mad at you, but he was irritated. You knew all the perfect spots to hit to get him worked up. And usually he loved that, to him it was a testament to your bond. But right now, he really wished you would take a moment to realize he was doing this for you. 

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