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Enjoy the chapter <3

Narrator POV

"Anything?" Hiccup asked you as Scabbard returned to your shoulder. You had managed to train Scabbard to scout ahead during search and rescue missions such as the one you were on. You and the others had been flying for over an hour searching for Bucket and Mulch. Scabbard let out a low chirp, signaling she hadn't found anything yet. "No, nothing to the west, that leaves the north" you said. 

"Were getting pretty far north" said Astrid, who was finding it harder to stand the growing cold. "Bucket and Mulch are already two days overdue. We need to keep searching" said Hiccup. "You don't really think there all the way up here, do you?" Astrid asked. 

"You can't take the cold, huh, Astrid?" Snotlout taunted. "No, I just don't have a heated seat like you do. Or a lap warmer like Y/N" she shot back. "You all made fun of me for having a tiny dragon. Now look who's stuck in the cold. Not me" you laughed lightly. Astrid sent a glare your way. "Looks like there in trouble" Hiccup said recapturing your attention, towards Bucket and Mulch who were surrounded by a group of Berserkers while docked on an iceberg. Astrid fired a spite shot at the Berserkers while you destroyed the Berserker's boarding plank. With a final blast from Hiccup, the Berserkers retreated.

"What happened here" Hiccup asked. "well, we thought the Berserkers had hit an iceberg so we came in to help. They attacked us, because we saw...It" said Mulch. "It?" you all asked in unison. 

leading you to a section of the berg surrounded by digging equipment, there was what appeared to be a large figure frozen inside. "That looks like a- dragon" Hiccup said. "Why would Berserkers be trying to dig it out" Astrid asked. "Nothing good" you said. "I don't know" answered Hiccup. "Oh great" Snotlout groaned, "Now we have to dig it out". "Actually, I have a much better idea" Hiccup said.


Back on Berk you and the others managed to drop it safely in the academy. "I say we smash it" Snotlout suggested. "I say we blast it" said Tuff followed by Ruff, "I say we blast it then smash it", "Then blast it again" they both said in sync. "Yeah, that's certainly one approach. Fishlegs, give me a slow burn". "Good sir, I believe it's actually three approaches, my fine fellow" Rolling your eyes you watched as Meatlug melted the block of ice enough so that the dragon was now clearly visible. 

All at once your felt your stomach twist and become overrun with dread. You recognized this dragon. You had spent a full summer studying it after a certain Berserker had bombarded you with details about it and its ties as the Berserker crest. "Is that what I think it is?" Hiccup asked. "I think so, but I've only seen pictures" said Fishlegs. "It's a Skrill" you said shakily. "Do you realize how huge this could be?" Hiccup asked. "The word epic comes to mind" Fishlegs said excitedly. "The word terrible, is what came to my mind" you said "We need to tell dad. This has the potential to go really wrong" Hiccup nodded in agreement, you, Fishlegs, Hiccup, and Astrid left to the great hall. Scolding the other three not to touch it while you were gone. 

"This is an act of war" Mulch argued. "Don't jump to conclusions about what this attack means" Stoick said to the crowd of angry Berkians. "I don't know Stoick seems pretty cut and dry to me. I mean if you think about it, an attack is an attack, am I right people?!" Gobber said getting the crowd more riled up much to your father's irritation. "I think I know why Dagur's men attacked Bucket and Mulch" Hiccup said. 

"We got a better look at the dragon Bucket and Mulch found in the ice" he said. "It's a Skrill" the room went quiet as people shared concerned glances. "Are you sure about this?" Stoick asked. Hiccup looked to you. "We are" you confirmed. Hiccup opened the book of dragons to the insignia of the Skrill. "Look here, that is definitely a Skrill" Hiccup said. Astrid's eyes widened as she recognized the picture in front of her, "And the Skrill is the symbol-". "Of the Berserkers" you finished. 

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