Bad Luck

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In the time it took me to write this chapter I've gone through two separate chargers, since the one I shipped in broke withing the first half of the chapter. So that was disappointing. 

But on another note, it's been a year since I posted the first few chapters! Thank you all for the support and interest in my cringy fanfic, and I apologize that in the span of a year I've only made this many chapters for Ya'll.                                   -Clover

Narrator POV

"Hiccup" Dagur greeted with a twisted smile. "I thought we could settle this like real Vikings" Hiccup said from atop Toothless. Dagur grit his teeth and quickly gripped the Skrill's ropes, "Me and my Skrill vs you and your night fury? I like those odds".  You yelled for him so stop as he pulled the reigns causing the Skrill to narrowly miss Hiccup. He swiftly dodged and flew away, making Dagur and the Skrill follow him. 

A familiar roar graced your ears at Dagur's disappearance. With a smile you hauled towards the side of the ship, jumping onto Silver Tongue's back as in a fly by. "Good to see you boy" you chided, "did you miss me?". He huffed steam from his nose. A low growl eliminated from him as he caught a glimpse of Dagur, who was currently standing in a puddle of water as Hiccup goaded him. With a flash Dagur was launched into the water leaving the Skrill free to chase Hiccup. 

Silver Tongue dove to catch up with Hiccup, and you were both flying side by side. "Thanks, it was getting really awkward in there". "I bet" Hiccup said, "But don't thank me yet" the two of you dodged a lightning bolt. "I'll lead the Skrill away, you get home". "I'm not leaving you alone with that thing!" you argued. "Don't worry, I'm not alone" he looked down at Toothless fondly who in turn gave a purr like agreement. Silver Tongue gave a sneeze to voice his disgust, "Allright then, seems like this one's ready to go home anyways. Stay safe" he nodded. You were just glad it was all finally over.

Some weeks later

...You don't tend to think of yourself as a superstitious person, as you don't believe in luck or curses. But this year has got you thinking. After all, how in Odins name is it possible for one singular person to be THIS unfortunate. Currently, you are hanging upside down by your feet. While training with Astrid and the others, Snotlout (not listening as always) had launched into Silver Tongue's side and sent the two of you crashing down, after he had already caused a chain reaction that launched a boulder towards Astrid. You sighed, closing your eyes as you contemplated your life choices. Your attention refocused as you felt the branch you were on bend and a familiar chuff sounded to your left. turning your head, you were met with Silver Tongue, comfortable in his usual sleeping position upside down. "You gonna help me or what?". He let out a light huff from his nostrils and opted to turn his head in a 180° away from you. Today was going to be a long day.

After the hassle of pulling both yourself and Silver Tongue out from the tree (him being a stubborn baby who was throwing a tantrum) you joined the others on the ground rushing to help the hurt Astrid. "Wh-what?" Astrid asked dazed and confused. "She has a possible slight concussion, but thankfully nothing seems broken. But she could have been seriously hurt" you said, giving Astrid a once over inspection. Despite your urging for her to sit and rest she used your side to help stand. 

"You have no idea what you did?! Do you?!" Hiccup yelled at Snotlout. 

"Yeah, Hookfang and I made the coolest trick shot ever". 

"You almost got Astrid killed!". 

"Oh, come on she's fine, look at her". Astrid was slightly curled clutching her left side which most likely took the blunt of the fall. "Yeah, no thanks to you" Astrid threw herself off of you and lunged at Snotlout, only barely being caught by Hiccup first. 

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