Patchy Faced Rat

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Shout out to my peep, Meowcat52. You're an absolute angel.

Thank you to everyone who commented, you're either really sweet or hella funny

also, what is your favorite chapter?

Enjoy the chapter.

Dagur pulled himself up towards the top of the cage with his right arm as he admired his left. He had made a habit of working out while in prison. It was why he had nearly doubled in body mass over the past three years. He didn't miss how your eyes had danced over his figure and how your breath hitched. Only more reason to do it, he thought to himself. He had missed you while he was in prison, seeing you again had been like a breath of fresh air. You were just as beautiful as he remembered, if not more. He would have liked to have talked to you longer, he was going to make Hiccup pay for taking you away from him. 

He wasn't entirely delusional; he knew that you chose to leave. He knew that you were upset with him. But that would be temporary, once the two of you had time to yourselves, he planned to make it up to you. 

His thoughts of you were interrupted when Savage trailed over to inform him that the Reaper had surfaced. "The Reaper is starting to surface, sir" Dagur's eye twitched. "I can see that!" Dagur dropped down from the cage. "Oh, right" Savage laughed nervously, causing Dagur to roll his eyes. He continued to think of you as his men plundered the newly resurfaced Reaper. Three years was a long time, even longer when in prison. Dagur, however, was positive that you were the reason he was able to get through it until his inevitable escape. Well, you and his thirst for revenge. "Dagur, now we have everything of value from the dragon hunting ship" Savage declared.

"No, not everything" in a swift throw he lodged his dagger in a drawing of the strange spyglass Hiccup had stolen from him. He would get that spyglass back, and he would get you back too. And the two of you would finally rule the Archipelago together.

The past few weeks had been crazy, it turned out the spy glass your brother found was the key to unlocking unknown dragons. You and the others nearly froze to death to get a tooth that unlocked it. To make things worse, you had to go beyond the archipelago to search for Dagur, resulting in almost dying via a death song. Though, you couldn't say it wasn't worth it when you finally found an island to call your own. It was perfect, you had managed to claim one of the few spots on the edge next to open grass, perfect for growing herbs and medicine. Silver your dragons loved it too. Scabbard made it a habit to jump off the cliff repeatedly like a game every day. Silver Tongue, well he was Silver Tongue, he seemed to like the quiet at least. 

Not to say that the edge was quiet. Quite the opposite actually, between Snotlout and the Twins you had your work cut out for you. And to add to the noise, a loud sounding crash came from your brother's hut. 

"Hiccup?" you called rushing in only to be greeted with- "Gustav?!". "Gustav" Astrid deadpanned. "Gustav, what are you doing here- I mean to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Hiccup stumbles as Gustav dismounts Fanghook and begins to touch everything and stand on the table. "Hiccup! Did you hear Gustav is- standing right beside you. perfect" Snotlout fakes a smile, dying on the inside. "You're looking a little different there, Guster" Tuff says as he jumps off the table. "Yeah, I'm growing a beard" he gestures to a small singular patch of hair on his chin. 

"Really? Let me see. Ha! Even Ruff has more chin on her chinny-chin-chin than that" Tuff then plucks the patch off causing Gustav to stumble back clutching his now naked face. "Ow! Hey, what's this thing?" He grabs the dragon eye from off the table holding it backwards up to his eye, causing him to partially blind himself and nearly drop it. Hiccup swiftly grabs the dragon eye from it and passes it to Fishlegs. "It's the dragon eye, and it's very old and fragile. It isn't something to just be touched" Fishlegs scolds. "Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing" Gustav said before bumping into the wall and falling over along with one of Toothless' tails. 

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