Cat and Mouse

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See end of chapter for my hour-long apology about how long it's been since my last update

Enjoy the chapter!

"What are you doing my love?" Dagur stepped towards you slow and heavy, as if approaching a cornered animal. The room was dark, so you were unable to make out his face. His voice sounded happy, in a cat and mouse sort of way. But something told you he wasn't as amused as his tone would have you to believe. He was starting to get a little too close for comfort. As quickly as you could you grabbed the cage, knocking a number of crates down behind you to slow him. The ship's hull was large enough that you could use how cluttered it was to hide. The lock wasn't hard to pick, using the small pick and knife you had asked Tuff for before you split up. " Are we playing hide and seek now" he chuckled, swiftly looking behind a stack of crates. Dagur called, kicking the side of a box not too far from you to check if that's where you were hiding. The chances of you breaking out now were slim, but as long as Scabbard was able to get out, you'd consider this a win. She would be safe, and Dagur wouldn't have anything to hold over you.

"My love, I understand you're upset. If you come out now, I won't lay a hand on the rodent". Dagur searched closer. Kicking smaller crates across the floor, whistling a marry tune, as if this were a game.  You ducked behind a beam when he began to walk in your direction. If you could just make it to the exit. Having been forced further into the hull, the already faint light emanating from the doorway was practically gone. This left you slightly grateful for Dagur's heavy steps and unnerving whistle, allowing you to know just how far he was from you. A part of you thought that he was likely doing it for this purpose. As you backed further away from the sound of Dagur your back collided with the cool surface of wood. 'Crap!' you had backed yourself into the side of the ship and had made a quiet yet still audible bump. Dagur's whistling stopped. If he was walking, you couldn't tell, his heavy steps absent.

......a creak to your left. You grabbed Scabbard off your shoulder and threw her to the right, you take off forward. A loud crash sounded behind you as Dagur made the quick turn to follow you. Being careful to jump over any silhouette you could make out in the near darkness you sprinted as fast as humanly possible. Dagur barreled behind you less carefully, knocking over and through stacks of crates. The sound of him laughing echoed behind you making your heart hammer and a chill be sent down your spine. That sound would have caused your face to go red a few months ago (probably a few hours ago, though you wouldn't admit that). You were making it to a point in the hull where it your surroundings were slightly better illuminated, when Dagur crashed into you pinning you beneath him. 

"Got you" he smiled looking down at you. To your surprise his smile wasn't taunting or deranged (in a malicious way anyways), it was excited and childish, as if he really thought you were playing together. He beamed at you panting a laugh. It began to fade however, as the panicked look on your face reminded him of what you had been doing down here. "We're you trying to run from me, my love?" you gulped, his face was serious and cold. It was a look usually reserved for others, and it made you feel a strange guilt and uncomfortable weight to have it directed at you, causing you to look away. In your lack of response, one of Dagur's hands wrapped around your jaw to make you look back at him. His eyes ran over you, hand releasing your jaw in favor of lifting and cradling the back of your head. "As much as I love 'games', you should still be resting from this morning" his voice was forcedly cheery and a tinge bitter, making you realize he was playing dumb. Or at the least, letting you know he was going to let this event slide. Your relief was short lived as the sound of a loud roar from above you paired with a firm shake from the ship. 

"Wha-"you looked up at his, Dagur laughed a deranged smile spreading. "Oh, I forgot to mention, we're leaving early" Dagur said helping you stand on your own. "Dagur, what did you do?". "I simply took back what belongs to me" he looked to you. Exiting the hull, you were met with a very upset and chained up Skrill as the ship was sailing off. 'Please, tell me Hiccup knows about this' you begged internally. "Braun, take Y/N to our room. No one goes in or out unless it's me" Dagur wasn't looking at you, instead smiling derangedly at the Skrill. 

And so once again you were back in Dagur's room. There was a small port hole in the room that allowed you to see the ocean. The sky was grey with clouds making your already uncomfortable and on edge mood worse. You had been locked in that damned room for a couple of hours when the yelling sounded, and through the porthole you could see the Outcast ship. Lightning flashed overhead along with the roars of the Skrill. Locked in, you were left to listen to the sounds of clashing steel and the Skrill's roars. And you couldn't help but hate the deep seeded worry you felt in your gut for the stupid Berserker. 

Dagur POV (Holy S*** it's been a while since I've written in 1st person... I still hate it)

I had smiled as I watched the electricity disperse completely through the water, Alvin was dead. A laugh made its way through my entire body, causing me to hunch over with small tears pearling at the tips of my eyes. I was one step closer to having complete control over the archipelago and marrying Y/N. At once my laughter stopped, irritation filling me at the sound of suck-up Berserkers laughing despite having no idea why "Shut up!". I quickly made my way to my quarters to give Y/N the good news. 

I knocked three times on the door to let her know I was coming in, After all, I'm no animal. I opened the door to see her in the corner of the room next to the porthole. She looked me over once, as if checking for wounds and I felt my face heat. Thor, every moment I spend with her I start to want to give up conquering Berk ad just run away with her instead. But no, we would only truly be safe once I removed Hiccup from the picture.  

"Y/N, I'm happy to say that our little Alvin situation has been dealt with" her eyes widened and her breath hitched. I held my arms out slightly in case she wanted to hug me, but it never came. In fact, she instead took three steps back. "Aren't you happy?" no response, I sighed, "My love, are you still upset with me? I swear I just kept you down here because I couldn't trust you not to run away. I have no doubt you'd be able to hold your own in a fight-". A loud familiar screech of a dragon drew both of our attention. "Nightfury!" a Berserker called. A small smile found itself onto her face and I felt my mouth turn sour. Well, if Hiccup wanted to play, they would. But I'd like to see him go toe to toe with a Skrill. Y/N's smile faded at the familiar sight of my quote unquote Deranged grin. 

Hi everyone, I am so sorry for the late update and how short the chapter is. I've been going through some s*** with my mental health and school is a nightmare. I am absolutely not abandoning this work, and I'm also Not going on hiatus. Writing is very therapeutic for me, and you have all been so kind and supportive. I am working on the next chapter; however, I will be updating less frequently. As I don't want to turn this fic into a chore. Thank you all for your support and reading my cringy fic <3

Due date/Max: 10/5 (may be subject to change)

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