He Returns

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Yay! The intro chapters are done! This chapter takes place around a year after the last chapter, at the start of riders of berk. Hi everyone, I'd just like to apologize in advance for any mistakes I make during this and any future chapters. It's been a while since I've watched defenders of berk. So, if you know anywhere, I'm able to rewatch it, that'd be cool (preferably not Amazon or YouTube). Enjoy the chapter <3

Narrator POV

"Silvertongue! No. Put. Him. Down" You were currently practicing hand movement commands with the others in the arena when Snotlout's horrible attempts at showing off had gotten him a bit too close. This did not bode well with Silvertongue, as within seconds he was hanging off the ground by his foot. It had been nearly a year since you had decided to make Silvertongue your dragon, though he didn't make it easy. It took nearly 5 months to establish a strong relationship with him.

Silvertongue dropped Snotlout back onto the ground, causing him to clutch his head and groan. "Silvertongue isn't seeming to like the whole, 'hand commands' thing" you told Fishlegs who had just used said commands to make Meatlug spin around then jump. "Hmm, maybe he just learns audibly rather than visually" you nodded, thinking. You laughed as you saw Hiccup clutching the bridge of his nose as the twins argued about what to make their dragon do, laughing even harder as you watched Scabbard follow each of their commands, switching quickly between barrel rolls, blasts of fire, and flips "Well at least your able to keep up, girl" she chirped and crawled up onto your shoulder, before letting out a tired yawn.

"I think I have to agree with Scabbard on that one" Hiccup said, "This is a good place to stop for today". With that, you spent the next 10 minutes struggling to get Silvertongue to stay in his pen before heading home with Hiccup.

"What's that sound?" Hiccup asked as you were nearing the house. Drawing closer you saw Gobber struggling to close a belt around your father. "Oh nooo, is the lack of dragon killing causing you to lose your Viking-esq figure" you teased as you and Hiccup approached. Your smile however, quickly disappeared as you realized which belt this was. Replaced with a pink tint over your cheeks, and memory of a certain letter you sent.

"That time of year again huh?" Hiccup asked, your father grimaced with a nod as Gobber finally strapped the belt into place. "Can't wait for my annual eel" you elbowed Hiccup in his side lightly. "Come along then". "Go on home girl, and DON'T leave" Scabbard let out a chirp as she flew through the open window to your house.

Approaching the docks you could see the entire Berserker armada nearing, the ship most likely harboring Dagur and Oswald in the front. 'Why would they bring the armada' you thought.

You fidgeted with your fingers as the large ship docked, waiting for Oswald to exit the ship followed by Dagur who would immediately rush you. However, Oswald did not exit the ship. A Berserker began to list off a number of titles you were unfamiliar with. "Oswald the Agreeable?" Gobber asked. "Dagur the Deranged!".

"Dagur?" your dad, "Deranged?" Gobber, "Oh no" Hiccup exclaimed. You swallowed as he walked closer. "Dagur, where is your father?" Stoick asked. "My father has been... retired" he laughed before pausing suddenly, seriousness retaking his features. "So, where are you hiding them, Stoick?" he asked, causing your stomach to drop.

"Hiding what, Dagur?" he feigned ignorance. "Do I look stupid to you?". 'weeeeellll, at least you have a pretty face to make up for it- NO! Bad Y/N! Bad!' your face heated, turning a shade of red. "Trick question, don't answer it" Gobber whispered. "We both know what's going on here. I have it on excellent authority, that you're amassing an army of dragons" he swung his axe in emphasis.

"Excellent authority? And who would that be, Dagur?" Stoick asked. "Never mind, just know that if I find it to be true, then my armada will attack with the force of fifty-thousand brave Berserker soldiers" you tensed, 'That explains why the armadas here'. "Stand down Dagur there won't be any need for the armada. Now let's get to the treaty" Stoick reasoned.

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