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Hello, I am so sorry! It's been four months since I last updated, and a lot has happened since then.  My computer, I got sent to urgent care, new psychiatrist, etc. Getting off track main point is that I'm back! And I'm doing a number of small projects to get back into writing. If anyone has any oneshot requests for any fandoms in my bio feel free to ask!


"My love! Just look at me!" Dagur begged. You sat on the bed in his quarters as you sailed towards Outcast Island. To say you were upset would be the understatement of the year. Yelling would only fly over his head, so you opted for your father's tactic of passive aggressively ignoring his existence.

"Please, my love. I missed you" his words were sickeningly sweet, and the worst part was that they were genuine. Dagur kneeled at the edge of the bed pawing at your hand despite your earlier attempt to smack it away. "I know you're upset. But I'm doing this for you" your eye twitched at that. For you? Kidnapping your father and using him as blackmail for your brother's dragon was for your benefit. You had half a mind to slap him across the face and scream at him, but knowing Dagur, he would have preferred that to your lack of response. So, you bit your tongue and continued to stare at the wall.

A frustrated almost whine like groan escaped Dagur as he stood to his feet. "Uuugh, can you stop being so distant for a moment and look at me?! Scream? Yell? ANYTHING!?". You flinched slightly at his volume but remained steadfast in your impassiveness. Dagur began to pace the floor rapidly back and forth and it was at this moment that you looked at him. It wasn't intentional, and thankfully he wasn't looking at you, however, what you saw was enough to make you break.

Dagur wore a panicked and possibly even frightened expression as his eyes shakily stared at the floor in front of him. Dagur threaded his fingers through his hair what in could possibly be an attempt to soothe himself. His breathing was unsteady and heavy. You only had a second to look away as he dropped onto his knees between your legs in one swift motion. Dagur's hands were quick to grab onto your shoulders. The sudden weight made you quickly prop yourself on your arms in order to stop yourself from falling backwards onto the bead. Because the last thing you needed right now was to have Dagur pinning you to the bed.

While catching yourself, however, you had looked forward, meeting Dagur's eyes. His eyes were wide and frantic, running over and memorizing each of your features. Dagur's hands felt course and rough but handled you gently with care. You watched as his panicked breathing slowed and his face relaxed.

The oh so familiar dopey lopsided smile made its way to his face, "There you are" he cooed. He was really close now. You never realized how big his eyes were, and they were- Growing? No. Dagur began to inch closer to you, eyes unblinking and locked with yours. And the worst part was, you weren't even doing anything. It wasn't as if you were tied up, you just couldn't bring yourself to move or say anything. He was very close now. He had paused a nose distance from you when he heard your breath hitch.

His eyes softened, and he released your shoulders in favor of drifting his hand over your shaking ones. How long had you been shaking. "I'm sorry" he whispered with a smile. He shifted to sit with his legs crossed on the floor as he looked up at you on the bed, your hands still in his. With Dagur out of your direct area, you were able to breathe again. after recomposing yourself you gave a slight tug to your hand, unfortunately Dagur's caveat to giving you space, was being allowed to hold your hand.

"Let me go" you said. "My love, I understand that your upset. But I'm doing this for us". Your hand tensed, "You're doing this for yourself". Dagur sighed, rubbing circles into your palm, "I'm taking you back to Berserk so we can be together. Your father... well, him getting in the way is what got him here. And besides, what happens to him is up to Hiccup".

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