Downed Dragon

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EARLY CHAPTER YAAAAAAY!!! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Hey everyone! So, for this chapter there's going to be our first, time skip. I apologize in advance if I confuse you at any point. Just wanted you to know so you understood why the last chapter is referenced to have happed a while back.  This time skip will take place in the beginning of the first movie. 

I am on a motivation high, and I am going to milk it for all its worth before I have another writer's block.

Also want to apologize for any grammar mistakes, I had to write the majority of this from my phone on a family camping trip.

-Clover/Peachmilkbard (AO3 account name)

Narrator POV

Over the years the Berserkers would come and sign the treaty, Dagur always in tow. While the announcement of your betrothal was sudden and there was little about it you understood, you saw Dagur as a friend (possibly more). However, with each passing visit you noticed Dagur was beginning to change. His once weird behaviors and loud tantrums had turned into straight up insanity and bursts of rage. This paired with him earning a proper mark two years after you resulted in him earning the name Dagur the deranged. You still remember the year Dagur had arrived on berk, rushing towards you to present you proudly with the Monstrous nightmare horn of his first kill (After he had thrown you in the air a few times of course). Dagur's relationship with Hiccup however had remained stagnant, as well as the other children your age. With each visit alongside spending as much time as possible with you, Dagur made it his personal mission to terrorize Hiccup. He had also grown a habit of chasing Fishlegs and ignoring/forgetting Snotlout (honestly you don't even think that one was on purpose). Dagur had come to be rather cold when dealing with Astrid, the first time he had become aware to how close you were with her his usual (TM) deranged grin had fallen and for a while you had almost begun to think he might have been jealous.  

However, despite his change in behavior and actions towards others he always looked at you with the same. Actually, over the years Dagur had become very possessive of you. Whenever you were together (which was nearly all the time) he kept an arm, or a hand wrapped around your waist. He would also act especially violent 'Jealous' when others would act in a 'more than friendly' manner. One such time was one of the few Dagur acknowledged Snotlout's existence. Snotlout had gotten too close for Dagur's comfort, and as a result he found himself upside-down trapped in a hay bale on the edge of the village, just out of screaming distance, for several hours. 

But in-between moments of terrorizing others and 'protecting' you from other possible suitors, Dagur made sure to get his point across that you were his everything. The usual tradition of the Berserkers bringing gifts had exploded. Dagur bringing an average of 10 for you and a gag gift for Hiccup, safe to say after the third year of Hiccup being jumped at by an eel in a chest Oswald stopped placing Dagur in charge of Hiccups gifts. 

Speaking of Hiccup, he had grown skilled in his job at the forge. In the words of Gobber, "The boy might not be able to pick up an axe, but he can sure make one". Criticisms of Hiccups supposed 'Hiccupness' had sprouted shame and fear in the village at their future chief. You would be lying if you were to say you weren't at least a little concerned for your brother, but you had promised to always stick by his side, and you intended to keep this promise. However, you found yourself constantly tested as tensions began to rise at home. Every dinner was silent and awkward as you tried and failed to get the two to connect, or at least have one normal conversation. Your father trying not to make you feel like he was ignoring you would change the subject, it inevitably turning to you. While you knew he was just trying to compliment you, the conversation would end up turning into your father using you as an example for Hiccup. So, after a while of this pattern repeating you would either shut it down the moment you were brought up or eat in silence.

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