The Lonely Dragon

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Hi! I'm happy to say that this is the final chapter before we dive into the real story. I was going to make this entire chapter about the red death battle but changed my mind, soooo skip. And I'm happy this chapter features Dagur (For the first time in what feels like forever). 

Narrator POV

Toothless cringed with a low growl as you pressed the salve onto his cut. "Sorry bud, but this will help it heal". 5 days ago, toothless and Hiccup had gone head-to-head with the Red Death. Hiccup was nearly killed, but thankfully toothless was able to save him at the last second. Hiccup was still asleep, and toothless was pretty banged up after the fight. Unfortunately, Gothi didn't know much about dragon anatomy, and even less so, a night fury. So, you had taken it upon yourself to learn and try to help as much as you could. Turns out you were pretty good at medicine when it came to dragons, and it made you feel better; knowing you were healing them rather than hurting them. 

Your attention was drawn away from toothless as you looked to see a familiar green terror with her head stuck in your jar of fish oil. "Scabbard! Bad " you had come to love the small dragon; she was a spunky little thing, always ready to fight dragons 50x her size. Once you finished rewrapping toothless bandages he returned to his side along Hiccup, curling his body around the bed. "Well bud, I think your cuts are almost fully healed" he let out a low purr as you scratched under his chin. Your smile faded as you shifted your gaze towards the still asleep Hiccup. Hiccup had been asleep for 5 days, and though Gothi told you that he was just resting, it didn't help to calm your nerves. And it was only made worse when you imagined how Hiccup might react to waking up to one leg missing. 

Sensing your souring mood Scabbard brushed herself against your leg. "Heh, thanks girl. Well, I'll see you later than Hiccup" You whistled, calling for Scabbard to take her usual perch on your shoulder as you left to find Astrid. 

"Hey Y/N, wanna ride on a real dragon" Snotlout chided as you walked through the village. "No thanks." you deadpanned, "Your record for actually staying on that dragon is less than 5 minutes". "Hey! I'll have you know it was 6! And for you information, his name is Hookfang" you ignored him, making your way to the newly repurposed arena. 

You were used to the teasing of your friends. You had tried to connect to Berk's new resident dragons, but it never really clicked with any of them. Scabbard didn't make it any easier either. To put it simply, she didn't like the idea of sharing your attention with another dragon. After all, another dragon meant less belly rubs, and she couldn't have that.

"Morning Astrid" you greeted; Astrid was readying Stormfly for your usual morning flight, which was TOTALY not a patrol, you sighed 'Still trying to take care of everything and everyone. How is this girl not tired?'. "Morning" she greeted. "I overheard from Bucket and Mulch that they were attacked by a dragon while they were out fishing yesterday. We should be sure to check that out". You raised a brow at her, "I thought you said this was just a morning fly". "Yeah, well, it is. Were just... dropping by out of curiosity and concern as friends". "Uh huh" you made your sarcasm thick and audible. Placing yourself behind her on Stormfly Scabbard wrapped her tail around your arm in case she lost grip of your shoulder, and you took off. 

Berkians were still getting used to the entire 'dragons in the village' thing, but they could understand that this was what was best for everyone. Life on Berk was changing for the better. As to be expected, giving the twins control over a creature that was a live explosive resulted in a number of... 'incidents', but other than that Berk was peacful. You noticed how Astrid petted Stormfly as you flew and couldn't help the tinge of jealousy that twisted in your gut. 

"Looks like a small storm" Astrid said. You and Astrid hugged the water as dark grey clouds drifted above you, beginning to rain. You all jumped in alarm at the sound of a scream. 

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