Not as Planned

523 22 8

Lotta jump cuts in this one, but don't blame me, that's just how the episode was.

It had been rough since the incident with Dagur. Heather left the edge, claiming she needed time to think. Snotlout nearly got killed by a pack of speed stingers. And Astrid nearly left the edge, had it not been for the A team, she likely would have. Overall, you had been going through it. It was embarrassing enough, having Dagur need to teach you how to breath in the middle of a negotiation of life or death. But having Heather no longer trust you was really the knife in the back. 

Scabbard cooed as you scratched her underside, stretching with a high yawn. "Good morning to you too, girl". 'Mornings' if they could be called that, were your one escape from the chaos that tended to ensue. Being able to laze about in your warm sheets for hours before getting up to do small chores. You had been strategic enough to wrangle yourself the late evening patrol of every other day, allowing you to stay up and sleep in as late as you wanted. 

And boy did you sleep in. Currently it was a few hours from sun set, you really should fix your sleep schedule. But alas, the night calls for you. Truly, you are creature of the night. Dragging yourself out of bed and smoothing out the wrinkle left from your sheet on your face, you stretch and leave your hut. 

Exiting after your heavenly nap only to be met with your friends on edge and visibly worried left you with a moment of confusion before your mood dropped. Ah, you understood. It had been too good. In no world would you be allowed a gift of rest, solitude, or peace. "Ok what happened?" You groaned, pinching your brow. "Astrid didn't come back from her morning patrol" Fishlegs said. "What? But it's almost sunset?", "We know, that's why we're worried. Alright gang, saddle up" Hiccup said, the group jumping into action. 

"We'll all head in different directions. I'll take the south--" Snotlout interrupted, "No. I should head south". "And why is that?" Hiccup asked. "Because Astrid likes to fly south, and she'll obviously be expecting me to rescue her" Hiccup rolled his eyes, "Like I said, I'll go south".

"Rain, wind, all of us splitting up. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a rogue sea beast to leap from the depths of the ocean and pick us off. One. By. One." Tuff said, waving his hands as if it were the so-called beast, "Tuff can you be serious for once" you asked, though it was more of a threat. "Alright gang, let's go find her" Hiccup said, making you all disband in search of your friend. 

"She is going to be so sad when you rescue her instead of me" Snotlout said, reluctantly turning his dragon north. "Oh, don't worry. I'll tell her it was all you" he said, voice laced with sarcasm. But, apparently not enough for Snotlout to clock, "You'd do that for me?", "No. No, of course I wouldn't".

You searched for hours, combing the banks of stray, small, islands that she could have washed up on. While your brother searched the open ocean. Luckly, he managed to find her just in time, her arms finally giving out, the waves pulling her underwater. "Y/N!" you heard him scream, flying towards you on Toothless, her unconscious body limp in his arms, "Is she breathing?!".

"Yes, but she's freezing" he held her tighter. "We need to get her back to the edge, and out of this storm, now" with a nod the two of you took off, Toothless shooting a recall blast into the air to signal the others. 

"Stormfly!" Astrid yelled, shooting up from bed with everyone surrounding her. "Hey, hey, it's ok" Hiccup soothed, placing a hand on her arm. "Try to relax, you had a rough night, you're exhausted" you said, checking her temperature, which was still colder than you would have liked. "No, no,no. You don't understand. They were all in cages. And they have Stormfly!".

"Whoa, whoa, wait, slow down. Cages? What are you talking about? What happened out there?" Hiccup asked. "Dragon hunters" the group gasped, stomachs dropping, "A whole fleet of them". "And they have Stormfly" Hiccup said worried. "Yeah, this big ugly one... --oh when I get my hands on him..." she clenched her fists tight enough for her knuckles to pop. "Come on! Let's mount up!" She jumped out of the covers and ran towards the pens. "Stormfly!.... Oh" she stopped when she remembered. "You can ride with me" Hiccup said, the group springing into action. 

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