Two Sides Same Coin

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You stood looking up at Dagur, who was eerily serious. Now painfully aware of how alone you were with Heather now gone. Taking his hand off your mouth he grabbed both of your shoulders, turning you around to face the door, "Open it".

Slowly you opened the door, to be met with an assault of bouquets, laid about the room. "I didn't know if your favorites changed so I got the old ones, but I figured I would splurge a little". "Umm-", "Do you like it?" he pressed, walking the two of you inside.

"I know you and I got into a little.... couples quarrel. And your brother stole you away before we could make up, buuuut, we're here now" he said, uncomfortably chipper. "You understand I ran away, right? It's important to me that you can comprehend that" Dagur's expression lost some of its intensity, a mask over what you would assume was irritation and annoyance. "I do" his arm wrapped around you pushing the both of you in, closing the door, "It's only natural that you wouldn't wat to see me after our first argument".

"First?" Dagur continued to push you forward ignoring your relentless sarcasm. "You should have seen the look on Heather's face when I told her we were engaged" he laughed, "She was all like; You tried to kill her! Didn't she throw you in prison?!".

"It works out perfectly don't you think? You always wanted a sister, and I've always wanted a brother". You drag a hand down your face, frustrated, "Dagur, we've done this, had this conversation, countless times. I am not going to marry you". Dagur sat on the bed with a huff looking at you "And I've told you not to say that unless you mean it" Odin's beard, he was thick. How many times were you going to have to drill it into him that unless he were to make some serious changes, namely, stop trying to kill your brother, you were never going to marry him. 

Wait, no. No, you were never going to, no ifs and or buts. You have no idea why your brain kept holding out hope for him. He certainly didn't deserve it. Not after everything he did to Berk, dragons, and your friends. "Couples are supposed to have rough patches. What matters is that we make it through them".

"We are not a couple" Dagur's nostrils flare, "And if you care half as much as you say you do, you'll let me g--". "Let you go? The last time I saw you with them you were stuck against a wall unable to breathe, with no one to help you because they were too distracted by Heather".

"They wouldn't have been distracted if you hadn't destroyed her village" you retorted. "A sibling matter that they had no right to intervene in" Dagur crossed his arms. "She was going to kill you!".

"And why didn't you let her, it would have solved your issue, and you would never have to worry about marrying you again" you couldn't believe that this was his argument. You stopped Heather from killing him because you didn't want her to have to live with killing her brother and only living relative on her conscious, "I did it for her! Not you!". 

"Well, she doesn't seem so mad at me now does she?" it was said almost like a jab at you. Oh, you wanted to hit him in the face. "You are the most infuriating, deranged, delusional, man I have ever met". Dagur's smile returned full force at your insult. 


Dagur was ecstatic when he saw you caught by the dragon hunters. First his sister returns to his side and tells him she wants to be a family and rebuild their tribe. Then he finds out that not only you, but your annoying friends fell directly into their trap. It was too good to be true. Dagur had been reeling over the last time you had had spoken. Sure, you had briefly talked on the ship when Heather was trying to kill him, but you were a bit preoccupied with your panic attack.

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