Sooner or Later

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Surrounded by the Berserker soldiers and now without a weapon besides your hidden dagger, it was safe to say you weren't getting away on foot. But that wasn't what you were concerned about. No, what you were concerned about was the tall man standing on the deck above you, looking down at you wordlessly. Dagur was not the same boy from three years ago. Quite the contrary, he had grown, not just in height, but in size. He was muscular and built. His skin was littered with scars and tattoos. One of which was a list of names, and much to your fear, the name Alvin had been crossed out. Well... that answered some questions.

His once unmarred face now bore a large scar across the right side of his face, while his left eye had a blue, bear scratch tattoo. His hair was on full display, which was a rare sight, he had cut it too. And for a moment you had completely forgotten the situation you were in, content to admire his new figure and appearance. The sharpening of his gaze however, brought you back to the present.

All at once Dagur leapt over the railing and jumped down to your level. "Y/N!" Dagur quickly wrapped you up in his arms and spun you around once. You take it back, Dagur was much larger than before. He was a solid head taller than you now, and even as he held you, your feet were off the ground. And- dear Odin his arms were huge.

Dagur loosened his grip on you slightly, though still not letting you down, so he could look at you properly. "Look at you! You're so much smaller than I remember! And your hair is longer!" Dagur gushed. "Dagur!" was all your mouth could make out, partially out of shock and partially due to the spine-crushing hug he threw you into.

"You're so pretty! And you smell different!" he fawned, shoving his face into the crook of your neck. Well, this wasn't what you expected. Originally you thought he would have been angry at you for throwing him into prison. His possessiveness and obsessive nature just really are that strong. Pulling himself from your neck, you were greeted with a deranged love-struck grin that bordered insane. Johann was right when he said that Dagur was more deranged than ever. Dagur's grip on your waist was crushing and almost hurt with how possessive and tight it was. Dagur's smile was from ear to ear, for a moment looking as though someone had slit the sides, with how unnaturally wide it was.

"Oh~ did you miss me? I missed you?" the deranged nature of his features dissipates replaced with a soft and dazed air; infatuation evident in his voice.

"You're supposed to be in prison!" you yell. With a quick glare the Berserkers surrounding you lower their weapons, before he turns his gaze back to you, "Didn't care for it. Food was dry and the people were boring. Besides I had plans, marrying you, killing your brother, destroying berk, just a lot on my plate".

Kill?! Dagur had only ever wanted to beat Hiccup and steal Toothless. Looks like his plans expanded while locked up. "If you lay so much as one hand on my brother, I'll cut you open" you attempt to intimidate him, staring up at his towering frame. It was a sad attempt to say the least, earning a hum from Dagur as he rested his head against yours, "You're still so cute when you get worked up".

"Then I'm about to get adorable" you step down hard on his foot, causing him to loosen his grip enough to where you could stand in front of him rather than against his chest. Though his hands held firm on your upper arms, the space did wonders. Allowing you to partially think clearly. You were beyond upset with him, but the newfound baritone hidden beneath his voice was distracting.

"I thought about you every day!" Dagur exclaimed with a lopsided toothy grin. He released one of your arms in order to pull the other, causing you to fall into his side so he could lead you across the deck. "Come! I have a reintroduction to make to your friends and. Hiccup" his voice turned venomous at the mention of your brother. Dagur kept you pressed against the side of his chest; arm wrapped firmly around you as you walked off the ship you were on towards one where you could see your friends inside a cage. You had half a mind to elbow Dagur and free them, but the crowd of armed Berserker soldiers kept you in check. You would have to be patient. Hiccup was nowhere to be seen, so there was no doubt in your mind that the opportunity to strike would come.

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