Turning Tides

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Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy today's chapter


Narrator POV

 The next day of training shifted focus. "Today, is all about attack" called Gobber from outside the arena. You were currently gripping your shield and axe as you navigated the maze cautiously. "Natters are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter" you looked up to see the Natter walking in the maze's walls. It lifted its tail and shot spines at what you heard to be Fishlegs. 

"Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike" You turned a corner of the maze that allowed you to see the twins had run directly in front of the Natter. However, the dragon didn't seem to notice or try to attack them. 'So that's the blind spot then?'.

You regrouped with Astrid, crouching alongside her and Snotlout. Hiccup stumbled across you moments later, "I know I know, but hypothetically-" he was silenced by Astrid, as the Natter closed in. You and Astrid rolled to another wall, staying in the dragon's blind spot, Snotlout following suit. Hiccup tried to copy your movements only to stumble halfway, gaining the Natter's attention. He scrambled to avoid the Natter, which had flown back onto the walls. 

You were about to throw your axe at the beast when Snotlout put his arms in front of you and Astrid, "Watch out babe, I'll take care of this" he threw his axe only to miss the Natter by a full three feet, earning scrutinizing gazes from both you and Astrid. "The sun was in my eyes! What do you want me to do, block out the sun!?". You ran, turning corners to avoid being caught. One sharp turn had caused the Natter to crash into a wall, causing a domino chain reaction as you ran. 

You felt the Natter get too close for comfort as it nipped the heel of your boot. "Split up!" Astrid called. Jumping onto one of the few standing walls, you and Astrid ran in different directions. The Natter had chosen to follow Astrid. Finding your bearings after landing on the round you turned to see the Natter about to attack Astrid, whose axe was stuck in Hiccups shield. Astrid tore the shield out of Hiccups grasp and hit the Natter in the face, causing it to reel back. 

"Well done, Astrid" Gobber complimented, before Astrid blew up. "Is this some kind of a joke to you? Our parent's war is about to become ours. Figure out which side you're on". 

Class was dismissed and you walked over to Hiccup.  "How're you doing?" Hiccup paused for a moment before he put up his usual front of humor and sarcasm, "Me, I'm fiiiinne" You raised an eyebrow, he looked away. "You said you'd stick by me no matter what, right?" you nodded.  His face contorted as though he was fighting with himself "mmmmm baaaahhhh, Y/N I need to tell you something" he shot out franticly, voice cracking. "Hiccup, you can tell me anything" Has about to speak when you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and pull you down. "Hey Y/N, you did pretty good today" Snotlout said, in an attempt to butter you up. "Not now Snotlout" you swatted his hand away and turned back to your brother, only to see he was gone. "Y/N, come on" Astrid called. You looked around unable to find him "Coming".

Hiccup speed walked through the woods. Yesterday had been a close call, he had almost let out everything that had happed out. He felt a tinge of guilt at leaving you in the dark. You were his sister, the person he trusted most, so why couldn't he tell you about toothless. Hiccup arrived with his basket of assorted fish and prosthetic tail in tow. "Hey toothless, I brought breakfast. Hope you're hungry." He threw the basket on the ground, fish scattering everywhere. Toothless growled at an eel he found in the basket, forcing Hiccup to throw it away, "Well that's interesting", he said sneaking around him as he ate. "You know, you are causing me a lot of trouble" he complained more to himself than toothless. "I had to lie to my sister today, y'know. This morning, she uh, caught me with all this fish, thank Thor she- she" he sighed, pausing his attempt to attach toothless's new tail. 'What am I doing'. This morning you had caught Hiccup sneaking out of town with a large basket of fish and a leather bundle on his back. You had questioned him, only to get an obvious lie about a 'perfect day for a picnic', you were hurt that Hiccup would lie to you, but you knew he must have had his reasons. You let him go, while silently praying to Odin he wasn't doing anything stupid.

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