New Flyer

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WARNING: Alrighty readers, trigger warning. I know this probably wasn't what you expected from this cringey fic, but we have some depictions of violence coming up. Don't worry, nothing is too graphic, but it is still very apparent what is happening. You have been warned.

Rage. All Dagur could feel was rage. In a matter of minutes, he had managed to lose both his Dragon eye, his treasure, and his, well... you. Fear plagued the crew as they watched their chief walk across the wooden deck wordlessly. By now Dagur would have screamed or thrown someone over the side of the ship. But it was his silence that left the ship quiet and shaking. Dagur suddenly stopped walking, his eyes never once leaving the floor. "B-boss" one of the berserkers asked taking a step too close. In a swift movement, Dagur wrapped a hand around his neck throwing him onto his back, fingers still wrapped tightly around his windpipe restricting air. 

The audience of berserker soldiers could only wince and look away doing nothing as Dagur let loose his anger on the poor man. After a few minutes Dagur stilled, panting heavily in exhaustion, fists stained red, and eyes bloodshot. This was his breaking point. Hiccup Haddock had stolen from him for the last time. Now, he would pay. He would pay for taking you from him, for not letting him make things better between the two of you after your argument, for getting in the way of your engagement, for everything. Meddling in the affairs of others would have a price, one that would be paid for in blood. 

Your bed felt heavenly upon your arrival home. Though, a nagging part in the back of your brain would point out how much softer Dagur's had been. It would do, you were too exhausted to complain. The salt from the sea water had dried in your hair, crusting it and leaving small grains. You would need to wash before you fell asleep. Maybe things would get better soon. They had to; you weren't sure how much more of this you could take. You sighed, "Why is everything ten times more difficult than it needs to be" you asked, looking up above you where Silver Tongue hung upside down. Letting out a snort and puff of steam, he covered himself in his wings, clearly fed up with you. "...Scabbard, you're my new favorite" the larger dragon's reclusiveness shed like a snake's skin as he unraveled his wings with a sharp and upset screech. You laughed, yeah. Things were going to get better.

Your supply run to Berk was a nice break from the swarms of Fireworms, Rumblehorns, and Quakens you were forced to deal with the past few weeks. Your father certainly enjoyed it, not so subtly hinting at needing their village dragon healer back home. You were tempted to stay, but the others needed you, and besides, Gothi was doing just fine taking care of the village ailments, even if she didn't specialize in creatures with four legs. 

"Okay gang, remember; were only taking absolute necessities to Dragon's Edge" Hiccup explained only to be met with laughter from Snotlout. "I guess we're leaving you behind, Fishlegs". "Come on. You're better than that, Snotlout. Oh, wait. No, you're not" Fishlegs said loading backs of rocks onto Meatlug. "Don't mind him, Fishlegs. He's just coping with the fact that his dad didn't want to say hi when we got here" you said with a smile as you tied down your last basket of herbs onto Silver Tongue's saddle. "Hey" Snotlout let out an offended whine crossing his arms. 

A loud ringing sounded from the twins as Ruff slammed a mace into Tuff's head, bouncing it off of his helmet with a thud, "Not bad. That's a two. Do it again". "Ow, yeah, three. I still think we could do better". 

"Which one of the usual suspects was out sinking boats on their dragon this morning" your father along with Gobber, Bucket, and Mulch walked towards you. "Sinking boats?", "Bucket and Mulch saw the whole thing." your dad said, "And don't try convincing me that there's anyone else in the archipelago who could pull something like this off!".

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