The Proposition

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Today chapter is a bit longer than usual sorry, couldn't find a good stopping point that would keep the chapter interesting.


Dagur POV

'A TERRIBLE TERROR!' I had to stop myself from laughing. A terror, she was being praised from across the isles for killing a terror. On one hand I was irritated that such an honor as earing a mark was even allowed for a dragon as trivial as a Terror. But on the other, it explained a lot.

My thoughts were interrupted by her voice. "Please don't laugh".

I had barely heard her; she was speaking so quiet. My smile fell as a weird feeling invaded my gut. Her voice had slightly cracked, and small crystals were forming in her eyes. I had seen this look on many of the girls I pranked back home and knew what it meant; she was going to cry. Normally I wouldn't care; often earning me a scolding from my parents. But something about the way her eyes looked at me made me feel a sort of guilt and pain, so much so that I knew I couldn't allow her to cry.

"Hey" I reached to... uhm ''what do I do?' I retracted my hand, which she was staring at. "I won't". She looked at me her forming tears rubbed away. "good" she sniffled turning to continue to walk. "we're almost there anyways". 

The cliffside was like any I'd seen before, with the exception of a few makeshift targets. 

"Ok, here's the rules, starting from the top of the hill and down the hill there are a number of targets, we each get 5 rocks that we can throw. Plain targets are 5 points, and targets with sheets on them are 10. Each target can be used once, and there are a limited number of targets with sheets. But whoever reaches the bottom first gets 20 extra points" she explained.

"This... is your training" I asked. "What don't think you can keep up" she raised an eyebrow at me, and I felt my face heat up again, 'ME!? Not able to keep up? oh hoho, this is going to be fun'.

"Of course not!" my voice went up an octave, and I felt my face become even hotter. 

"Ok, then. Let's get started" I watched as she drew a line in the dirt and adjusted her boots.

Narrator POV  (Don't be surprised if I never use first person again after this chapter)                

Dagur took his place next to you and crouched into a running position. "3....2..." you began to count down before Dagur interrupted you "If I win you owe me a favor ""Wait what?" Before you could get a response from him, he broke out into a sprint, causing you to take off with a delayed start.

Dagur took the lead throwing his first stone at a target wedged between a tree and boulder, and his second at another target hidden (poorly) in a patchy bush."10 points!" he exclaimed, Dagur had taken the lead, but you knew this track like the back of your hand. Dagur was throwing with extreme accuracy, but he wasn't looking at whether or not the targets had sheets, as long as you made sure you hit more targets with sheets than him you could still win. 

"You keep'n up back there?" Dagur laughed turning his head back to you with a crooked grin. You nearly forgot you were coming up on the first sheeted target due to the heat you felt spread across your face and the weird feeling in your stomach. 

'Focus!' you scolded yourself before answering Dagur's taunting, "Of course I am! Pretty soon you won't be!" Dagur laughed at that facing forward again. 

The quick exchange turned out to be exactly what you needed to give you the perfect window. With him distracted he didn't notice the Sheet covered target tied to a tree. You threw your first rock, it just barely hitting the outer most circle, "10 points!" Dagur looked back again wide eyed before his smirk changed into closed mouth smile and his pupils dilated on you with a squint of his eyes.

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