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I'm back!!! And better yet. I am done with my schooling (until I seek higher education). I was stuck writing in-between my equivalent of finals and study sessions, and on top of that I had a last second surgery that basically put me out of commission for a week and kind of out of it, but I have had absolute brain rot over this fictional man. Someone over on my Tumblr said he should be named Dagur the delusional and I've been rolling in my grave ever since. Thank you all for the wait and your support, you all sent wonderful messages and I read every one of them, enjoy the chapter <3


You stepped back from Dagur's iron grip as he cackled uncontrollably "It took you long enough. And here I was thinking Hiccup tempered you". "You've gone mad" you wheeze out when Dagur's arms squeeze the air out of your lungs in a gripping side hug.  "Couldn't have. Always have been" with a dramatic flop the two of you fell to the bed, his arms still wrapped around you. 

You laid uncomfortably, staring at the ceiling while Dagur was content to bury his face into your hair. "You know you can yell at me, right?" you caught off guard by Dagur's sudden speech. You huff out your nose, "If I were to start now, then I'd never stop".

"If it means I would get to listen to you for the rest of my life, so be it" his fingers began to play with your hair, twisting it in loops around his index. 

"...My father is going to kill you" The bed began to shake as Dagur let out wheezing laughter, different from his usual obnoxious and loud deranged laughter. No. This was unnerving, he was actually trying to reel himself in. Tears brimmed the edges of his eyes as his body shook violently, hissing laughter escaping through gritted teeth. Pupils narrowed, eyes watery, and red, trained on you left you feeling terrified for both your father and brother, "He'd try".

 "Where is my Dragon, Dagur?" Suddenly you needed to know where your dragon was. It was clear that whatever was going on with Dagur was getting worse, looks like he isn't one for long distance relationships. Dagur didn't respond, wiping the tears from his eyes and clearing his throat, "You know, the lizard could be a bit more comfortable if you were to answer a few questions. Say... How many riders are at that base of yours". Riders? The edge didn't have any riders. At least not any that were manning the helm in your absence. You certainly weren't going to tell him that. "Drop dead" Dagur's eye twitched, though whether it was from irritation or excitement both confused and terrified you, and you were not curious enough to go through all the trouble that question would certainly entail. 

"What did you do to her?" You of course meant Heather, while Silver Tongue was no doubt your priority, you needed to know. While you understood that she was in a vulnerable situation and Dagur was the only family she had left, you would at least think she would come to you first. "It's not dead if that's what you're asking" Dagur rolled his eyes.

"What? No. Heather. Silver Tongue is a boy" Dagur propped himself up with an elbow. "Ha! Silver Tongue? You know if you wanted a silver tongue, I've got one right here" Dagur began to laugh hysterically as you shoved him off the bed glaring at him, "You're disgusting!".

He gave a small shrug, smiling lazily, "eh, a no is a no. But it's always here when you need it". "Well, that's never going to happen" you cross your arms looking down at him. "I have other options too-", "Stop talking!" Dagur entered a coughing fit, laughing and nearly crying at the redness overtaking your features. 

"You are the most immature and selfish person I have ever met" you shake your head in disbelief, "I thought we all had it bad with Snotlout but you're something else entirely. Not only are you the absolute maniac I thought you were, who gets off to violence, you're an absolute sadist who enjoys making a fool out of me".

"Hey, I get off to many things about you. Making a fool of you is not one of them" Dagur said slyly. "Unbelievable. And to top things off you can't take anything seriously!" Dagur looked at you, having fully caught his breath "I take you very seriously, love. I just also see that you have a habit of taking things too seriously".

"Being upset at being kidnaped and having my boundaries repeatedly violated is too serious?" you look at him, sarcasm and irritation evident. "First of all, kidnapping is a bit dramatic. And second, if it makes you upset, I'll be more respectful of your boundaries. No more.... risky jokes" He looks over at you and wiggles his eyebrows like a wierdo.

"Want to respect my boundaries? Here's the big one. Don't kidnap me!" Dagur flopped back on the bed, ignoring your attempts to shove him off and away from you. "Y/N, when was the last time you got to make a decision for yourself?" what, what did that have to do with anything.

"Because, from where I'm standing, you were dragged away from Berk to 'catch' me the second I got out of that prison. When was the last time you got a break?" You stayed quiet, "Knowing my brother he's had you jumping from one heroic act to the next".

"Thats our job-" Dagur cut you off, "Not yours! I found you barely able to breathe with your brother no less than an arm's length away. If you don't see what's wrong with that than you need to be away from him much more than I thought". 

"Heather was going to kill you. What? Did you want him to let her?" Dagur grew more agitated. "I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm going to kill Hiccup. If he prioritizes saving his murderer over his own sister, then I'm going to have to make it a lot more painful than I first thought".

"He was doing it for Heather, not for you" Dagur though sour, strained to keep himself from screaming. "My sister. Not his. Mine. You can argue all you want about her being your friend. That was a family matter. And he neglected his own in favor of mine.... Then again, I suppose it will be his too soon enough".

"Thats unfair" you felt backed into a corner, you didn't know how you felt about that moment. You had gone so long without having a panic attack and here you were being confronted about it a second time. "What' unfair is that you were put in this situation at all", Dagur's hand wrapped around your forearm, "You don't need to see what happens to your 'friends' when Viggo gets them".

"Viggo?" that was a new name, "You'll meet him soon enough, he's big man Rykee's older brother. Poor thing seems scared of him. Couldn't imagine. Then again, I have a good relationship with my siblings" he laughed making you wonder how serious he was.

"My point is, this is not 'kidnapping'. Hiccup just made you think that it is" you rolled your eyes. "What did you do to Heather?" you gave up on this new conversation Dagur had steered you toward in favor of asking your original question.

"Honestly, nothing" you gave his a look at his obvious lie. "Really. She found me. Told me she had thought it over and realized we were the only family we had left. And blood trumps all, isn't that right?" that didn't sound like Heather. 

A loud bell rang from outside, no doubt an alarm system of some sort. "Come on. It seems your friends are a bit over excited" Dagur pulled you up off the bed, "Come? Me too?". "Respectfully, leaving you alone doesn't tend to go well", His hand intertwined with your as he dragged you out the door right behind him. 

Well, there went your plan to break out through the window


End chapter notes:

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than usual. I realized it had been almost half a year since my last update and really wanted to get something out.

Dagur would choose the bear..... so, he could wrestle it. But he'd choose the bear none the less

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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